Who’s Got Talent? — A Q&A with Deertrees’ original musical ‘Monsters!’ cast, creatives

Performances: Friday, August 16 and Saturday, August 17, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, August 18, 7 p.m.
Tickets: $32 at deertrees-theatre.org, and at the door, to capacity.
Run time: 1½ hours, with intermission
Sponsors: Karin Phaneuf and Dave Wagner, Wailea Point Realty, and Mr. Lakefront Realty.

HARRISON — Following a summer of back-to-back sold-out performances, from On Golden Pond to smash hit The Producers, Deertrees Theatre delivers its must-see hit of the 2024 season, Monsters! A Midlife Musical Meltdown, welcoming Lake Region residents and visitors alike to enjoy exceptional local talent.

The show opens Friday, Aug. 16.

Q: Why should locals and visitors attend Monsters! A Midlife Musical Meltdown at Deertrees Theatre?

Actor Teresa Dyer, portraying the role of “Mother” says, “Monsters! the Musical is such a relatable show! Many of us have reached that certain age where we start to wonder if it’s time to make a change. We ask ourselves, ‘Am I really doing what I was meant to do? Is there something more for me out there? Am I just on a path that someone else laid out for me? Oh no! Half of my life is over! Is this all there is?’ Sound like you? Head to Deertrees Theatre from August 16 through 18 and enjoy Monsters! A Mid-Life Musical Meltdown. You’ll be glad you did!”

Dyer continued, “This show explores those questions in a fun and entertaining way. Each of the voices ‘Samantha’ hears in her head while exploring those questions, springs to life as ‘Apathy,’ ‘Body,’ and ‘Fear.’ This creative comedy keeps you laughing, and the toe-tapping, upbeat music ensures you’ll be humming along. ‘Samantha’ struggles with the urge to follow her heart or be derailed by the voices of her monsters and continues to follow the path the biggest monster in her life (lovingly) laid out for her — her mother!”

Actor Katie Connor, portraying the role of “Samantha,” said, “Monsters! is such a fun show with a very relevant storyline. We all have ‘monsters’ — those insecurities that stop us from doing the things we really want to do. I play the role of ‘Samantha,’ a woman on her 40th birthday who is experiencing a sudden midlife crisis. It’s been easy for me to relate to ‘Samantha,’ as I recently turned 41, and have experienced to so many of the same feelings. She wants to quit her job and go to Peru to work with archeologists — a far cry from her stockbroker job in New York! So many people at midlife start to question what they are doing with their life and feel like they need a change. That’s when the monsters rear up and push back. This show is wacky, hilarious, touching and fun! You don’t want to miss it!”

Actor/Director/Writer/Composer Gail Phaneuf, portraying the role of “Fear,” said, “Monsters! has returned to Deertrees with its fresh, colorful perspective. This original comic musical relates through its truly universal theme and appeal to all audiences, including my father! The show explores the notion that “Everybody’s Got Monsters” — also the title of the opening number. None of us are exempt from hearing the ‘monster’ voices in our head as we embark on a new challenge or change at life’s milestone moments.  Each phase of our lives reflects the daring choices we make to try something new. It’s seemingly appropriate that I am playing the role that is my biggest monster — ‘Fear.’”

Phaneuf added, “This musical is a true labor of love, and I am so happy and proud to share the stage with my talented, longtime friends for another comic romp! I have been working intensely as Deertrees’ executive and artistic director for four years, strategically creating the magical and inviting space that lauds historic Deertrees Theatre’s legacy. Hundreds of local performers and new patrons have been awed by our truly unique rose hemlock wood-structure venue, steeped in history. Please continue to support our work as we grow, delivering quality theatre, music, and dance to our cherished Lake Region. This show is part of my life’s work, and it is an honor to have it burst back onto the Deertrees stage!”

Actor Bill Spera, portraying the role of “Body,” said, “This show is a gem! Such a hilarious script, great characters, and really memorable songs that run the gamut from laugh-out loud to poignant and moving. The story is one everyone can appreciate, as we all have to deal with — and try to come to peace with — our inner demons. I think the audience will really feel the fun and camaraderie this amazing cast has performing ‘Monsters!’ together!”

Actor Patti Hathaway, portraying the role of “Apathy,” noted, “‘Monsters!’ is fast-paced and funny, upbeat, and uplifting. Have you ever felt like there’s something not quite ‘right’ with the life you’ve built - like all the excuses and defenses you’ve built are now just holding you back? Well, it’s time to meet your Monsters! They sing, they dance, and they have snacks!”

Rylee Dorion, portraying the role of “Birthday Girl,” chimed in, “As someone with big-time anxiety, this show speaks to me in a really reassuring way. Insecurities are ageless and universal — everyone could use that reminder. To me, that’s what this show is a really great and funny reminder that we all live with those little devils on our shoulders, and that’s ok! Be a little kinder to yourself, and your monsters! As one of the musical’s lyrics shares, ‘everybody’s got ‘em!’”

Music Director Dawson Hill said, “This score is filled with music that is fun, upbeat, and quirky, blending a variety of styles from Latin, jazz, rock, and blues genres.  The cast is very talented, and the show will make you laugh at the daunting things that present themselves to us as we reach our milestone birthdays.”

Choreographer Paula Harwood Wright wrote, “When Gail asked me to serve as choreographer for ‘Monsters!’ I knew it would be a blast as soon as I heard the music! The show is fun, and upbeat, and you will be singing ‘Everybody’s Got Monsters’ in the car on the way home! We all have to face our ‘monsters’ that keep us from trying new things, come laugh while you watch Samantha face hers and end up on top!”

Deertrees Theatre is located at 156 Deertrees Road, in Harrison. For more information, or to purchase tickets or season subscriptions, visit deertrees-theatre.org, e-mail gail@deertrees.org.