Where will Casco get high speed Internet?

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — Having a reliable Internet connection impacts entertainment. If can be downright disappointing when the Netflix freezes right at a crucial moment in the movie.

More importantly, reliable WiFi has become a necessity for many a household’s earning power — with more and more people working from home.

Likewise, children need to access the Internet to complete many homework assignments in order to get good grades in school.

In rural Maine, Internet coverage can be problematic. The Town of Casco may be entering into a partnership to resolve that.

“The vast number of Sebago residents are considered underserved. If you look at our area (Casco), we had eight properties that were considered underserved so we were not eligible for any grant funding,” according to Casco Town Manager Anthony “Tony” Ward.

“So, Sebago has already received a substantial grant for high-speed Internet,” he said.

Meanwhile, Casco will have to budget an estimated amount of $200,000 to pay for the four miles of Internet improvements.

Additionally, the Casco Select Board will need to decide which area of town will receive the upgrades and complete the circle of connectivity. 

Last week, Ward touched upon the topic of more reliable WiFi during the manager’s update section of the agenda.   

In the past, the board heard a presentation from the owners of Sebago Fiber, a Maine-based company. Sebago Fiber provides high speed Internet to businesses and residences as well as communities. 

Work is being done to create a partnership between several municipalities and the private business Sebago Fiber, Ward said.

The towns involved are Sebago, Raymond Naples and Casco, he said.

“When talking with Sebago Fiber, they are trying to complete circles, to complete the circle from town to town: From Sebago to Naples to Casco to Raymond,” Ward said.

“If we do any collaborations in this model, where is the area we want to focus funding,” he asked.

The two areas that have been highlighted are either along the Route 302 corridor or along Poland Springs Road (Route 11) from the Naples-Casco boundary to Pike Corner and onto Casco Village. 

The distance of both of those areas is about 4.3 miles to 4.8 miles.

“As we move forward, we will have them [Sebago Fiber] come in and tell us what the rough cost are,” Ward said.

Basically, cost estimates are $50,000 per mile so a four-mile-long project would cost about $200,000, he said.