Vocational Student of the Month — Jay Mar Canilao

Jay Mar Canilao has been selected as the Masons’ Vocational Student of the Month for January.
Class of: 2023
Town: Sebago
Parents: Madel and Joe Gemme
Siblings: Stephanie, Jerrylyn
Hobbies: I like boxing and working out
What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Law Enforcement II program
What do you like most about your program? In the Law Enforcement program, I have learned many skills that I will be able to use in the future. For example, physical health and well-being, CPR, self-defense, working with others as a team, and much more.
What are your plans after graduation? After graduation, I am planning to enlist in the Marine Corps.
What career goal(s) do you have? While I am in the military, I would like to train for a career in Engineering.
Who or what inspired you to pursue this path? I was inspired by my Law Enforcement teacher, class speakers, by recruiters from the four military branches who shared what they do to protect the U.S. and I liked what the Marines do. My teacher also helped me prepare for the physical demands of basic training through weekly physical training workout assessments.
What advice would you like to give future students? Whatever your goal is in life, “don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done.” That’s what I do!