Student of the Month: Rebecca Caron

Rebecca Caron

Rebecca Caron of Naples has been selected as area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for October.

Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award.

Student: Rebecca Caron

Class of: 2022

Parents: Bob and Marie Caron

Sibling(s): Bobby Caron

Activities: I compete in JV and Varsity basketball and lacrosse and I am a member of the Varsity Club. I also compete on club lacrosse teams such as Maineiax and Wicked Lacrosse. 

Community activities: I have been a member of the Girl Scouts of Maine since kindergarten, earning my Bronze and Silver awards through extensive community service projects. I am the president of the ASTRA Club and a member of the National Honor Society, and I have volunteered with the Naples Historical Society.

Hobbies: I love photography, horseback riding, and just being outside. I spend a lot of time out on Brandy Pond and Long Lake on our boat as well as hiking various trails in Maine, the White Mountains, and National Parks. 

Future Plans: I will be attending college for marine transportation to become a ship captain for the Merchant Marines, a pre-veterinary track with a major in animal science, or a pre-law track with a major in political science and a concentration in constitutional law. 

Schools that you have or will apply: I will be applying to Maine Maritime Academy, Michigan State University, Tufts University, Liberty University, Louisiana State University, the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, and the University of Michigan. 

Schools that you have been accepted to:I have currently been accepted to Montana State University.

What is your favorite class?My favorite class was definitely senior Humanities. Mr. Carlson and Ms. Gaumont made the content very enjoyable, but I learned so much about the history of America and countries around the world while also learning how to be a better writer and analyze readings to get the most out of pieces of literature. The academic challenge that came with this class was great. I loved showing up to Humanities first period every morning. 

What is your toughest class?My toughest class is Math. I’m anticipating Calculus in the spring is going to be very challenging. It’s sometimes hard for me to envision how the math that I am learning will fit into my life and the careers that I am looking at, and it has always just been something that requires a lot more time and effort from me than my other classes. 

How do you balance your class work and your extracurricular activities? It can get challenging at times and I do spend a fair amount doing homework after midnight when I should be sleeping, but I do my best to stay disciplined even when I don’t have the motivation. I always create daily to-do lists and use Google Calendar to plan out my days and weeks in blocks every hour. 

What is the biggest challenge high school students face today? I think that the biggest challenge that high school students face today is distractions. Students have so much going on in their lives that can often take away from time spent on work and their mental focus in school.

Who has inspired you educationally? My brother, Bobby, inspired me educationally. In elementary school, I would always sit at the kitchen table with him while he did his homework or go bother him in his room while he was reading books about space and dinosaurs. Whatever he did, I was always right there picking up bits and pieces of the information that he was learning too. These little conversations and kitchen table homework sessions with Bobby started my love for learning.