Still jumpin at 91

STILL GOING STRONG Marge Silverblade and Dodie Henning were honored last Wednesday for leading the Jumping Janes exercise group.

By Gary Colello

Special to The News

In 1986, Eula Shorey introduced the Bridgton community to Jumping Janes, a vibrant class where people came together weekly to exercise and build camaraderie.

For 38 incredible years, this group has thrived, thanks to the dedication of leaders like Phyllis Warren, Virginia Staples, Jean Dilman, and Dot Kimball. Meeting at the Bridgton Old Town Hall gym on North High Street, these leaders have guided members through routines that strengthen every muscle group and fine-tune motor skills for all to enjoy.

Jumping Janes is more than just a workout — it’s a circle of close friends that always welcome more. Over the years, members have regularly enjoyed lunches together, attended shows, joined other rec programs, and in between created lifelong friendships too. This group embodies the purest form of what recreational activities and programming can offer to a community and its citizens.

Fast forward to 2024, and Jumping Janes is still going strong! They meet three times a week during the school year at the Bridgton Old Town Hall gym and during the summer at the Bridgton Alliance Church.

This year is particularly special as we celebrate two extraordinary leaders: Marge Silverblade and Dodie Henning, both turning 91! Marge has been a dedicated member and leader since 2012, while Dodie has been inspiring the group since 2001 and leading since 2006.

Last Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the Bridgton Alliance Church, Bridgton Recreation Director Gary Colello honored this dynamic duo with a Certificate of Appreciation for their unwavering dedication. The event was a joyous celebration of Marge’s and Dodie’s birthdays. Their boundless enthusiasm, steadfast dedication, and active engagement make Jumping Janes the amazing group it is today. Their ability to not only participate but lead with such energy at 91 is nothing short of inspirational and motivational.

Marge and Dodie with Bridgton Rec Director Gary Colello.

Marge and Dodie are the heart and soul of Jumping Janes. Their commitment to personal fitness and the community is a shining example to us all. Here’s to many more years of health, happiness, and workouts! Thank you, Marge and Dodie — our appreciation for you goes beyond words!

Jumping Janes returns to the Bridgton Old Town Hall on Sept. 4!