SAD 61 Staff Spotlight: LRHS Dean of Students Roger Smith

To give the public a closer look at local teachers and staff members, the SAD 61 School Board’s Liaison Committee has developed the following “Staff Spotlight” profiles.
Staff Member: Roger Smith
Position: Lake Region High School Dean of Students
Time Working for SAD 61: 26 years
What do you enjoy most about your job? Getting to work with staff and students to ensure that all students get the best education possible. We have a great staff at Lake Region High School and they work very hard to help students succeed.
Who is the person that was the biggest influence in your life and why? I am going to pick two… my kindergarten teacher and principal was my Aunt Suzanne. She was the most dedicated teacher and principal that I have ever known. In fact, they named the school after her when she passed away from Leukemia — the Suzanne M. Smith Elementary School in Levant, Maine. And the second one is my grandmother, Marguerite Smith, who was a pioneer in the field of literacy 50 years ago!
What advice would you give current students? The advice I give daily to students is to keep as many doors open as possible. The more options you have in life, the more likely you are to find the thing you are most passionate about.
Where did you graduate from school? I graduated from Foxcroft Academy and went on to get a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Southern Maine. I am currently working on my Certificate of Advanced Studies (C.A.S.) from the University of Maine.