SAD 61 recognizes Laker Pride Award honorees

STEVENS BROOK ELEMENTARY Laker Pride Award honorees (left to right) staff member Jessica Hunt, students Carter Cote, Amelia Edwards, Emily Whitney, Kyllian Douglass, Gavin Sands and Norah Foster. (Rivet Photos)

SAD 61 School Board members at their March 3 meeting recognized students who were nominated by staff for being positive role models, reliable, trustworthy, respectful, conscientious, selfless and consistently help to staff and fellow students.

Laker Pride certificates and t-shirts were also presented staff members for promoting, creating and enhancing a positive school community.

Honorees included:

Stevens Brook Elementary School

Carter Cote, Pre-Kindergarten, nominated by Janelle Foster (Pre-K teacher), “Carter is a joyful and curious learner who enjoys school. His bright smile and positive attitude make him a joy to have in class. He picks up new ideas quickly and always adds something special to our group conversations. Carter is kind, listens carefully, and is a wonderful friend to everyone.

Amelia Edwards, Kindergarten, nominated by Melissa Warren (Kindergarten teacher), “Amelia is a role model for all students at SBES. She consistently demonstrates safe, respectful, and responsible behavior in the classroom and throughout the building. She always tries her absolute best and loves learning. We are fortunate to have Amelia as part of our school community!”

Emily Whitney, Grade 1, nominated by Madelyn Hanna (Grade 1 teacher), “Emily is a shining star in first grade. She is ALWAYS safe, responsible, and respectful. She puts her best foot forward in ALL parts of her day. She is an outstanding role model, and we are very lucky to have her as part of our Laker community!”

Kyllian Douglass, Grade 2, nominated by Jenny Hopkins (Grade 2 teacher), “Kyllian has made commendable growth since the start of school. He is a role model, and he has shown great effort towards his learning. His ability to stay on-task and maintain a positive mindset in the classroom has been a significant asset to our class family. He is enthusiastic and wants to do well. He has made impressive strides in all areas. He is a shining example of Laker Pride.”

Gavin Sands, Grade 3, nominated by Karen Lepage (Grade 3 teacher), “Gavin is really working hard and taking on all of the challenges that come his way. He uses his positive attitude to help him grow through things that are hard for him. He has come a long way this year and we couldn’t be prouder of him! Way to go Gavin!”

STEVENS BROOK ELEMENTARY third grader Rory Tozier is pictured with her Laker Pride Award certificate.

Rory Tozier, Grade 4, nominated by Allison Sands (Extended Studies), “Rory is always an example of our motto, ‘Safe, respectful, and responsible.’ She is kind to others, and always asking great questions! Way to go, Rory!”

Norah Foster, Grade 5, nominated by Laura Varney (Grade 5 teacher), “Norah is the most reliable, hardworking student. She always pushes herself to go from good to better to best. She is a fantastic role model for everyone in the school. She is such a pleasure to have in class.”

Jessica Hunt, Staff (Grade 5 teacher), nominated by Julianne Brosnan (Teacher Interventionist), “I would like to nominate Jess Hunt for her continued encouragement and support in helping teachers understand and implement the practices of The Regulated Classroom. The impact of these practices can make a big difference, and the way she has stepped up to be our ‘coach’ is something to recognize.”

SONGO LOCKS ELEMENTARY Laker Pride Award honorees (left to right) students Joshua Smith, Anthony D’Alfonso, Maverick D’Alfonso, Alexander Hamlin and staff member Alexandria Hafford.

Songo Locks Elementary School

Maverick D’Alfonso, Pre-Kindergarten, nominated by Janice Labrecque (Pre-K teacher) and Diane Geiser, “Maverick comes to school happy, enthusiastic and ready to learn. He is willing to try new things and has a positive attitude. Maverick is kind to his Pre-K friends and follows our classroom expectations.”

Anthony D’Alfonso, Kindergarten, nominated by Kate Perkins (Kindergarten teacher), “Aj has made tremendous growth this school year. He is funny, creative and kind. All things you would love to see out of a Lake Pride student.”

Joshua Smith, Grade 1, nominated by Evelyn Abrams (Art teacher), “Joshua has grown as a student. He has become a more engaged student. Joshua contributes more to our class discussions about art. He also adds more to his artwork during class.”

Alexander Hamlin, Grade 2, nominated by Kerry McKenney (Grade 2 teacher), “Alex is a model student. He shows respect and kindness to everyone. Sometimes, he’s silly, but he reins it in when it’s time to focus. Everyone loves Alex because he is helpful, caring and fun!”

Alexandria Hafford, Staff (Special Ed teacher), nominated by Tracy Smith (Special Ed Director), Danielle Arn (SLS Principal) and Amy Klar (a parent), “I moved to this district at the end of the summer prior to the beginning of the ’24-’25 school year. We were moving from a community where we had a wonderful charter school. I was unsure of a lot of things going into a new system, but the staff was all very helpful getting us started. Now that we are all settled, I can really see how fortunate we were to have made the move thanks in large part to Ms. Hafford’s dedication to the students she serves and obviously LOVES!

“I’m sure everyone there sees how wonderful she is with the kids, so I will share a few things from my end: First and foremost, she takes the time and consideration to communicate with me every time I send a message. When working with kids with communication issues, this type of communication between parents and the education team is SO VALUABLE! We have to share what the kids are going through, what they are working on, and what is or is not working for them (almost) moment to moment.

“Second, she never passes up an opportunity to listen and learn from the kids and parents. He enthusiasm for looking at each individual person as a new and interesting challenge is SO INSPIRING!

“Third, her organizational skills, as far as keeping all of her students going in all of their different directions, all of the paperwork, etc., in order and even knowing where my kiddo’s mittens are at the end of every day are just UNBELIEVABLE!”

CROOKED RIVER ELEMENTARY Laker Pride Award honorees (left to right) staff member Melissa Arbour, students Lyla Parslow, Kroy Knox and Aria Johnson.

Crooked River Elementary

Kroy Knox, Grade 3, nominated by Megan Brown (Grade 3 teacher), “Kroy follows classroom expectations, works well with his peers, and jumps in to help in any way he can.”

Lyla Parslow, Grade 4, nominated by Melissa Arbour (Grade 4 teacher), “Lyla is cooperative, dependable and is a great role model for peers.”

Aria Johnson, Grade 5, nominated by Elizabeth Shane (Academic Leader), “Aria is cooperative, dependable, gets along with peers, follows the PAWS expectations, and always speaks kindly of others.”

Melissa Arbour, Staff (Grade 4 teacher), nominated by Elizabeth Shane (Academic Leader).

LAKE REGION MIDDLE SCHOOL Laker Pride Award honorees (left to right) staff member Guy Vincelette, students Maci Morton, Everly Robbins and Harrison Burkhardt. Missing were students Kylie Hernandes, Riley Powell, James Brown and staff member Lauren Moulton.

Lake Region Middle School

Kylie Hernandes, Grade 6, nominated by Grade 6 Team, “Kylie is a consistent, kind and responsible student. She is accepting and tolerant of peers, and is especially kind and respectful to teachers.”

Riley Powell, Grade 6, nominated by Grade 6 Team, “Riley is polite, kind and respectful to peers and teachers. He is enthusiastic about learning activities and a pleasure to have in class.”

Maci Morton, Grade 7, nominated by Grade 7 Team, “Maci is a hard-working student who strives for excellence in her academics and encourages her peers to do the same. She is inquisitive and a great self-advocate. She is the epitome of a Laker, showing kindness and respect to all and always making safe and responsible choices. She participates in Spirit Days and pep rallies, and is part of multiple sports teams.”

James Brown, Grade 7, nominated by Grade 7 Team, “James is consistently bringing energy and enthusiasm to our classrooms! James is excited to learn, wants to do well, and loves to participate in school functions and on our athletic teams.”

Everly Robbins, Grade 8, nominated by Grade 8 Team, “Everly is able to maintain her academics while consistently being kind, honest and sweet. She’s a role model, active in both our school and the wider community, and we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in high school!”

Harrison Burkhardt, Grade 8, nominated by Grade 8 Team, “Harry is such a good sport with a kind soul. He works hard in all his classes, being sure to maintain his grades. He is consistently helpful, a strong advocate and honest. Harry embodies what it means to be a Laker.”

Guy Vincelette, Staff (Dean of Students), nominated by Grade 7 Staff, “Guy’s fun sense of humor brings joy to all the staff and students at LRMS. Guy has been able to build strong relationships with our students and he also provides our staff with unwavering support! We are so glad that he has joined our LRMS family!”

Lauren Moulton, Staff (Consumer Science), nominated by Grade 6 Staff, “Lauren is willing to help anybody at any time. She is organized, understands school systems, and is willing to try new things to benefit students and creating a positive experience for them.”

LAKE REGION HIGH SCHOOL Laker Pride Award honorees (left to right) students Everett Horning and Madison Olsen, and staff member Amy Mayo. Missing were Brent Johnsen, Mikaela Allen, Brian Harmon, Carmen Zuniga-Delgado, Sage Cormier and Myles Littlefield.

Lake Region High School

Brent Johnsen, Grade 9, nominated by Jessica Daggett (Humanities teacher), “Brent went above and beyond to help a student who was in need.”

Mikaela Allen, Grade 9, nominated by Katie Cash-Staley (English teacher), “Mikaela has a creative mind. Her art and her words are imaginative and clever. Mikaela is soft-spoken, reflective and is not afraid to think outside of the box.”

Everett Horning, Grade 10, nominated by Laura Pulito (English & Humanities teacher), “He is ALWAYS pleasant, helpful, and very tolerant of his peers. Everett went above and beyond helping with the advisory door decorating contest and always offers great ideas. He cares about his academics and is an excellent role model for those around him.”

Madison Olsen, Grade 10, nominated by Christina Gaumont (Humanities teacher), “Madison is an excellent representation of what it means to be a Laker. She is a great student, and she is always willing to go above and beyond to help her peers, and school community. In yearbook class, Maddie is always asking how she can be helpful. She also helps with class fundraising activities. Maddie also volunteers with Unified Basketball.”

Brian Harmon, Grade 11, nominated by Barry Johnson (Math teacher), “Brian is a great role model for others. He puts effective effort into his classes, including signing up for Flex-Time when needed. He is always respectful to others.”

Carmen Zuniga-Delgado, Grade 11, nominated by Jessie Toohey (Science teacher), “Carmen works really hard to make all students feel involved in group activities. She is collaborative and inclusive. She is a positive role model, responsible and helpful to others. In a recent activity where students had to put four maps in order based on what happened to wolf populations she was a leader but was intentional about making sure that all of the ideas of the group members were heard and that there was agreement about the order.”

Sage Cormier, Grade 12, nominated by Miranda Shorty (Humanities & English teacher), “In advisory, Sage is a fantastic peer leader and collaborator. She is a motivated and dedicated member of our advisory. We appreciate her skills at collaboration and communication, and she brightens any room she enters.”

Myles Littlefield, Grade 12, nominated by Eric Custeau (Health & Physical Education teacher), “Exemplary advisory student.”

Amy Mayo, Staff (Science teacher), nominated by Joe Dorner (Science teacher), “Amy is on top of her lessons, does all the things asked in department meetings and works on them, inventory, etc. She posts things consistently in schoology and has done a great job.”

Jen Mandigo, Staff (Math & Science teacher), nominated by Roger Smith (Dean of Students) and Teal Carlson (Art teacher), “Works very hard to make our school the best it can be! Jennifer is a special education teacher and case manager at LRHS. She has an upbeat, real-world, energetic presence in her classroom, in the halls, and when interacting with other staff and students. She sets a good example with her own actions, but also by the many academic and ‘adulting’ skills she offers our students. These skills are so important for our community. She has an uncanny way of showing her students her love while pushing them to do whatever it is they need to do academically, socially, or emotionally, often with a ‘tell it like it is’ approach. It works well for her because she has built positive, trusting relationships with students. Additionally, Jennifer collaborates with other teachers regarding shared students so that we can work together to problem solve and do what is best for the students. She is a strong Laker presence and should be recognized for it!”

LAKE REGION VOCATIONAL CENTER Laker Pride Award honoree Culinary Arts teacher Eric Botka.

Lake Region Vocational Center

Eric Botka, Staff (Culinary Arts teacher), nominated by LRVC Staff, “Eric Botka is a team player who helps the Vocational Center staff with organizing and setting up many functions throughout the year.”

Transportation, Facilities, Food Service

Dan Kimball, Staff, nominated by District Wide Operations Team.