SAD 61: Masks on, but no desk shields to be used
By Wayne E. Rivet
Staff Writer
What will school look like in SAD 61 when the doors open for students next week?
Parents will soon receive a letter from school administrators painting a fairly clear picture of what students can expect. One element they won’t see will be plexiglass shields on every desk.
School board members heard Monday night at their in-person meeting at Crooked River Elementary that shields were removed at the high school and middle school. What about elementary schools? With principals Steve Gagne (CRES), Bridget DelPrete (SLS) and Courtney Smith (SBES) on Zoom, they each indicated that the shields won’t be used.
Superintendent Al Smith plans to give a “fireside chat” to staff yesterday, Wednesday. Smith noted that the Department of Health and Human Services and CDC will require school systems to generate reports regarding the percentages of staff and students that are vaccinated. The first report is due Sept. 15. Guidelines have been issued for those not vaccinated.
“I have no interest to mandate vaccination, but I strongly encourage it, it’s the way to go,” Smith said. “I’ll let people make their own decisions.”
Smith again made a public push encouraging parents and staff to participate in the district’s pool testing program. Parents will receive permission slips requesting children take part in pool testing. If a parent responds “no,” the student will not be part of the program.
“I am hopeful we will have a high percentage of students taking part. It’s not highly invasive. Our nurse will handle the testing, but we’re hopeful teachers will see how simple it is and take part in the process,” Smith said.
Students will be asked to swab the outer edge of their nose and then place the sample into a test tube. The “pool” of swabs is tested. If there is a positive result, the group is individually tested to determine the positive case. The other individuals in the group will not need to quarantine.
Pool testing has drawn solid participation at other school systems, Smith noted, one reporting at 55%. To do pool testing, a school needs at least 30%, although Smith would “like to see all involved.”
In other board news:
• Personnel. Approved nominations include: Ashlyn Bourgeois, as a 7th Grade Science Teacher at Lake Region Middle School replacing Sarah Kearsley who resigned.
Nikole Young, as a Permanent Substitute at Crooked River Elementary School.
Lisa Monteforte, Food Service at Lake Region Middle School
replacing Deborah Thomas who resigned.
Shane Porter, as Groundskeeper for the 2021-2022 school year
replacing Frank Johnson, Jr., who resigned.
• Rescinded. Kellie Mierop, Math Teacher at Lake Region Middle School appointed on June 28, 2021, has rescinded acceptance of the position.
• Resignations. Jenna Willey, Special Education Teacher at Songo Locks Elementary School effective the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
Deborah Thomas, Food Service at Lake Region Middle School effective Aug. 9, 2021.
• Donation. $1,500 from Hooligan Riders Club to the Stevens Brook Elementary School Backpack Program.
• Stipends. Athletic stipends approved include: Paula Grace, 7th Grade Boys’ Soccer Coach, $2,264; Don White, 8th Grade Boys’ Soccer Coach, $2,264; Jackie Harlow, 8th Grade Girls’ Soccer Coach, $2,264; Scott Chadwick, 8th Grade Football, $2,663; Rachel Hubka, 8th Grade Field Hockey, $2,264; Kim Guptill, JV Girls Volleyball Coach, $3,265.
Activities stipends to: Alaina Clark, Middle School Fall Intramural Garden Club, $712.50; Abigail Earle, High School Interact Club, $712.50.