Rotary’s Citizen of the Month: Emma Cole

Emma Cole of Bridgton has been selected as the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club’s “Citizen of the Month” for April.
Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community. The recipient is presented a monetary gift.
Name: Emma Cole
Class of: 2021
Town: Bridgton
Parents: Karen Macdonald and Sven Cole
Siblings: Elizabeth Cole, Quinn Macdonald and Kyan Macdonald
Activities: Ski racing and running for the track team
Community Activities: ASTRA Club, Interact Club, National Honor Society
Hobbies: Staying active and reading.
Future Plans: Go to college for criminology and hopefully later work for the federal government as a detective or FBI.
Schools applied to: Catholic University of America, American University, West Virginia University, Norwich University, New Haven University, UMaine
Q. What do you consider good traits for a good citizen? I think being willing to listen and trying to see all sides really helps someone be a good and well-rounded citizen.
Q. Who has inspired you to be a good citizen and why? My grandmother, Susan Cole, was always the one I looked up to when I wanted to know how to act in the community. She was always there to help and was also eager. She brought me into service opportunities that she did so that I could learn how important it is to help out in the community.
Q. What have you done to make the school community a better place? I like to think that people see me as someone they can go to for help if needed. But, I know doing some of the service projects we have completed in ASTRA and Interact that directly affect the school is part of making the school community better.
Q. Why is volunteering important? I think it is important to give back to the community if you can so volunteering is a huge part of that. I know if I help out with projects that I am helping people within my community.
Q. In the future how do you see yourself making the world a better place? I hope I can make the world a better place by educating people on issues that affect so many but also giving back to the people who have helped me.