Rotary Good Citizen: Veronica Messina

The Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club has selected Veronica Messina as the Good Citizen for March.

Student: Veronica Messina

Town: Bridgton

Parents: Stephen Whitney and Pamela Messina-Whitney.

Sibling(s): Damien Messina, Sara Messina, Seth Messina, Paul Guiney, James Messina, Daniel Messina, Nina Messina, Colleen Messina, Jillian Whitney.

Activities: National Honor Society, Math Team, Tennis, Envirothon, Art Club, Book Club, Windstorm, METS, Questbridge Prep-Scholar.

Community activities: Volunteering at Naples food pantry, beach cleanup, Bridgton Town Hall decorating, class fundraisers, manning the concession stand at the Lake Region Talent Show.

Hobbies: Reading, coding, ice skating and swimming.

Future plans: Majoring in actuarial science and air traffic control at Arizona State University.

What do you consider as traits that make someone a good citizen? Honesty, respect, responsibility, and a strong work ethic.

Who has inspired you to be a good citizen and why? My mom inspired me to become the best citizen I can; she instilled in me from a young age to respect others and to take responsibility. I later interpreted service as my way of respecting the people that have helped raise me and taking responsibility in my community — thus giving back just a little bit of what my community has given to me. 

What have you done to make the school community a better place? I believe I have helped improve my school community by being a positive influence and helping in activities like gym and float decorating and winter carnival activities that contribute to school spirit.      

Why is volunteerism important? I believe volunteerism is important because it gives people the opportunity to give back to the community and help others. Overall, aiding in creating a much healthier environment to live in and a better future for others.

In the future, what do you see yourself doing to make the world a better place? I plan on joining several service-based clubs at ASU including Habitat for Humanity. I definitely see myself volunteering locally and when I graduate and find a job, I plan on donating 10% of my income each year to charity.