Rotary Good Citizen: Logan Davis

Logan Davis of Naples has been selected as the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club’s “Citizen of the Month” for March.
Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community. The recipient is presented a monetary gift.
Name: Logan Davis
Class of: 2021
Town: Naples
Parents: Stephanie and Scott Davis
Sibling(s): Paige Davis, Taylor Davis
Activities: Soccer, alpine ski racing, baseball
Community Activities: Youth soccer programs
Hobbies: Golf, running
Future Plans: Attend a post-grad year at Bridgton Academy
What do you consider as traits that make someone a good citizen? Someone that is willing to give with no return and has the best interest at heart for everyone.
Who has inspired you to be a good citizen and why? My grandfather, he was always a very kind man to everyone and was always willing to help in any way.
What have you done to make the school community a better place? I like to think I am a person that’s always willing to help someone out and just be an overall friendly person to everyone.
Why is volunteerism important? If you are able to volunteer to help out I think you have a moral obligationto do so.
In the future, what do you see yourself doing to make the world a better place? Just trying to be a good overall person, someone who does the right thing no matter what.