Rotary Club Good Citizen, Shivani Prado

Shivani Prado of Bridgton has been selected as the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club’s “Citizen of the Month” for March.
Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community. The recipient is presented a monetary gift.
Name: Shivani Prado
Class of 2022
Town: Bridgton
Parents: Jose Prado and Yara Grajales
Sibling(s): Jose, Nia Shytriston, Elin, Adalena
Activities: Cheer, tennis
Community activities: Picking up trash on walks with my dog.
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, anything creative.
Future plans: Attending college to major in early childhood development.
Schools that you have or will apply: Central Maine Community College, Southern Maine Community College, University of Southern Maine, Bronx Community College, Boricua College.
What do you consider as traits that make someone a good citizen? Being willing to help someone in need.
Who has inspired you to be a good citizen? I can’t pick one person, but my teachers and support group have really inspired me to be my best self. Also, my siblings are a huge role models to be better as a person.
What have you done to make the school community a better place? I just try to put a smile on everyone’s face when I can.
Why is volunteerism important? Because it helps give back to the community and those who are less fortunate.
In the future, what do you see yourself doing to make the world a better place? I want to work with children who are in a bad home environment and give them a better life.