Rotary Club Good Citizen: Alyvia Wilson

Alyvia Wilson of Casco has been selected as the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club’s “Citizen of the Month†for February.
Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community.
Parents: Gail Robbins (mother) and Josh Robbins (stepfather).
Sibling(s): Vylet Robbins (age 10), Everly Robbins (age 7).
Activities: Varsity Club, Interact Club, METS, ASTRA, Math Club, Worldquest, varsity tennis and indoor track, National Honor Society.
Community activities/volunteering: Trunk or Treat, Yellow Tulip Project, Veterans’ Assembly, Habitat for Humanity, service trip to the Dominican Republic, Haunted House to raise money for Alzheimer’s, Polio fundraiser, Father-Daughter Dance, Just Desserts, Soup Kitchen, pancake breakfast, Breakfast with Frosty, Spring Fling, 8th grade step-up night, Easter Fair at high school, filed paperwork at SAD 61 district office, Read Across America, handed out dictionaries at elementary school, Holly Berry Craft Fair, class fundraisers, Earth Day cleanup and Time Capsule event.
Hobbies: Photography, drawing, hiking.
Future plans: Major in criminology at University of Nebraska to become a criminal profiler.
What do you consider as traits that make someone a good citizen? Honesty, courage, responsibility and kindness are traits that I believe make someone a good citizen. These traits are critical in relationships with others, as well as your own self-worth and growth. Overall, I would like to believe that I am a good character in the work I do and in my interactions with others and that I possess these honorable traits.
Who has inspired you to be a good citizen and why? My mother inspired me to become a good citizen. She got pregnant with me at the age of 17 and raised me on her own. As a teenage single mother, she had to have courage to face her classmates, be responsible enough to raise me right, have kindness in doing so, and she raised me to always be honest. She is the most selfless person I know and I know for a fact she has not taken a break since the day I was born, she’s barely even stopped working long enough to take a breath. She has always supported my sisters and I to get involved and help others, despite knowing that the more involved we are the less time she gets to herself. She left her life behind and sacrificed everything for me and I am forever grateful for that. My main hope in life is to one day become half the women she is and I truly do not know how she does it. I hope she is proud to call me her daughter and proud of the things I do for others.
What have you done to make the school community a better place? I have lead and participated in multiple school-wide events. The Yellow Tulip Project was one of my favorites, which addresses suicide awareness and mental health. Another one was red ribbon week, which addresses substance abuse. Through the ASTRA Club, we did a food drive and made sure that students who were not food secure at home could bring home food every Friday to get them through the weekend. As the Interact Club president and a good leader, I also set good examples throughout the school. I encourage others to do the right thing. I am also very friendly with everyone I meet. I want students to be comfortable with one another and feel that they are in a safe environment.
Why is volunteerism important? Volunteering to me is important because if you have free time to spare why not put it to good use? I would like to believe that good acts come back to you in the end, and that kindness is passed on. Volunteering also submerges you into different cultures, communities and provides you with real life experiences. Through volunteering, you can network and meet new people. By doing this, I have been blessed with many opportunities and many doors have been opened for me. Volunteering has so many benefits, way more than I can put into words.
In the future, what do you see yourself doing to make the world a better place? In the future, I plan to be a criminal profiler. After my four years of college, I would like to go into AmeriCorps for a couple years. Then, get a solid job as a profiler. My entire life I have been making the world a better place so I plan to continue the work I have been doing in college and the rest of my life. I plan on helping others by getting criminals off the street. Another way is by helping people in poverty or people affected by natural disasters through AmeriCorps. I have a gut feeling I will be one day devoting my entire life to helping others, but we’ll just wait for that day to come.