Rotary Club Citizen of the Month — Sydney Mushrow

Sydney Mushrow of Bridgton has been selected the Citizen of the Month by the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club.
Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community. The recipient is honored at a Rotary breakfast meeting and is presented a monetary gift.
Parents: Ken and Tracy Mushrow
Activities: Community and school theater, community and school concert and jazz band, school/honors concert choir and volunteering in multiple public and school libraries.
Hobbies: Knitting, sewing, drawing, painting/watercolor, music, dance and reading.
Future plans: Earn a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. I hope to eventually open my own bridal shop.
Q. What do you believe are three keys to being a good citizen? Being an active member of your community, whether that’s volunteering during local events or just helping someone carry their groceries to their car, being a good role model could also tie into this. A younger generation will always look up to you, in events such as “Music in Our Schools” month or productions, I always try to make it clear that I’m someone that younger participants can ask for help or advice. Lastly, I believe the most important part of being a good citizen is participating in local democracy. That could mean voting, keeping yourself informed on local events and candidates or helping others to find reliable information. A town relies on its community and that community must rely on each other and democracy is the best way to do that.
Q. What piece of advice that you have received (from whom) that has made a difference in your life (and how?) When I was at one of my lowest points, I was told to keep smiling because it releases dopamine, and even though that smile may not be true to your emotions, the endorphinsand serotonincan help uplift you. Since then, I’ve made sure to smile every day, no matter what. I smile through tough times because I know that other people will see that there is always a positive in something, no matter the situation. Why spread negativity to others when positivity is healing?
Q. Who is your favorite teacher and why? My band director Jason Ward, he’s one of the most kind and dedicated teachers that I’ve ever had. Not only is he an amazing educator, introducing new concepts and ways of learning every week, but he’s also an amazing person just to know. I’ve been on multiple trips with him for auditions, competitions and other various band events. I’ve always known him as a confidant that I can talk to if I need to and will always offer help. He’s helped me grow as both a musician and person, and for that I will forever be grateful and proud to have him as a teacher.
Q. How have you tried to make your school/community a better place? I’ve always tried to be a part of everything, I want to have a relationship with everyone. Though I know I can’t do that, I know I’ve connected with enough people to be known as a trusted person. Someone who you can talk to when you’re sad, someone you can vent to when you’re angry, and someone you can share with when you’re excited.
Q. What accomplishment are you most proud of, and why? I spent most of my summer arranging an 18-part concert band piece. This piece consists of six songs written by popular alternative rock band My Chemical Romance. This project took almost 35 hours of work and will be featured in Lake Region High School’s springconcert.