Quick takes from SAD 61 School Board meeting

Quick takes from last week’s SAD 61 School Board meeting:
Showing them the ropes. When new teachers — either recent grads or someone new to SAD 61 — arrive, learning the ropes can be difficult, especially if one is on their own each day.
In the early 2000s, SAD 61 enacted a mentor program to ease the transition and help guide new staff. Paula Boyce, a library/media specialist at LRMS and K-12 Library Coordinator, and Melissa Arbour, a fourth grade teacher at Crooked River School, gave the board an overview of the program.
Currently, there are 54 new teachers in the mentoring program for the 2021-2022 school year.
“This would include first and second-year teachers as well as teachers who are new to our district but already have teaching experience elsewhere,” Boyce said.
New staff is matched up with a veteran teacher (at least five years in the district and who has undergone mentoring training). The pair meet either weekly or bi-weekly during Year 1, and bi-weekly in Year 2, either before or after school, at which times they share ideas and talk about any issues that have occurred. Due to Covid, meetings are held virtually.
Three times a school year, the mentor “observes” the new teacher — not as an evaluation, but as a means to help the instructor address areas lacking confidence or experience. And, the mentor works with the new teacher on 10 standards listed in the Teacher Action Plan.
Boyce noted that, “it’s a learning experience for the mentor, as well.”
Mentors, who do receive stipends for their work, come and go over time, so new mentors are sought and trained during the summer.
School reports. LRMS Principal Matt Lokken reported it was nice to see band and choral students perform holiday concerts “live” for the first time in two years.
MS students attended a workshop by SAD 61 Affirmative Action Officer Madelyn Litz regarding bullying and harassment. The program will be heard by HS freshmen next week.
At the December board meeting, Principal Lokken recognized LRMS students who earned District II band honors: Sylvie Gronlund, Flute; Adeline Hancock, Flute; Ella Gibbons, Clarinet; Ava Cole, Clarinet; Broderick Therriault, Saxophone; Benjamin Barker, Saxophone; Brielle Evans, Saxophone; Brian Harmon, Trombone; Olivia Lindsay, Trombone; and Alicia Fontana, Trombone.
Lokken reported that LRMS has about 70 students enrolled in Band.
Chorus Awards went to Abigail (Cam) Fudge, Payton Scarboro, Riley Young and Emily Wentworth. The Chorus includes 40 sixth graders, 27 seventh graders and 15 eighth graders.
• LRHS Principal Maggie Thornton reported the school had a successful Admission in a Day event, where college counselors visited the school and worked with interested students to apply to their respective colleges and universities.
At the December board meeting, Superintendent A; Smith indicated that after review of possible dates and considering other activities occurring the only date that will work for graduation is Sunday, June 5, 2022, at 2 p.m. Principal Thornton met with LRHS seniors regarding having graduation at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds or on school grounds. She did a survey and approximately 55% opted for graduation at the fairgrounds. After discussion, a motion was made by Karla Swanson-Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin to approve Graduation for 2022 to be held on June 5, 2022, at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds. Motion carried.
• LRVC Director David Morse reported Main Eco Homes of Bridgton and Winterhaven Builders of Bethel offered internships for construction students. “It’s an excellent opportunity to apply their skills in several areas from framing, installation and finishing work,” Morse said.
Some students recently toured KBS Homes in South Paris. “They saw a home on a giant assembly line,” Morse said. “The home is completed in five to six days.”
Stone Surface of Naples gave students instruction on how to install floor tile in December, and will return in March for a program on wall tile.
Students will be touring Shaw Brothers and Moody’s Autobody.
• Adult Ed Director Madelyn Litz reported the program has 79 students enrolled, and the next course guide is due for launch electronically in mid-January.
• Songo Locks Elementary School has a new, fun place for kids to reach. Lake Region Vocational Center donated to Songo Locks a Reading Clubhouse (approximate value $850).
“A huge thank you to David Morse, Russ Moores, and Julie Perry for supporting this endeavor. I have no doubt the students will enjoy it for years to come,” Principal Bridget Delprete said.
Personnel moves.
• Approved — Diana Lohmiller, as a Kindergarten teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School. There was one applicant for the position. Lohmiller earned a master of Education (major in Elementary Education) from Plymouth State University, and a bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts — Dartmouth. Previously, she was an educational technician at Stevens Brook Elementary School.
• Retirement(s) — Patrick Lettiere as Head Mechanic, is retiring effective Jan. 14, 2022; Andrea Capano as Instructional Coach at Lake Region Middle School effective Dec. 22, 2021.
• Leave — Haloye Johnson, Music Teacher at Crooked River Elementary School will be on Military Leave effective Dec. 17, 2021.
• Permanent Substitute — Lori Katz as a Permanent Substitute at Lake Region Middle School. There were three applicants, one was interviewed. Katz earned an associate’s degree of Science at Casco Bay College and presently worked as a substitute teacher in SAD 61 from July 2015 to present.
• Resignations — Cassie Lalemand, Special Education Ed Tech at Songo Locks Elementary School, effective Dec. 17, 2021; Rachel Sirios, Kindergarten teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School effective Jan. 11; William Conley, bus driver effective Nov. 12, 2021.
• Transfer — Linda Hamilton, Ed Tech III at Stevens Brook is transferring to a Special Education Ed Tech position at Songo Locks Elementary School effective Jan. 3, 2022; Karl Ross, Mechanic, is transferring to a Mechanic/Shop Coordinator position effective Jan. 17, 2022; Betsy Maher, Ed Tech III at Crooked River Elementary School to Songo Locks Elementary School; Kathy Winde, Ed Tech II at Songo Locks Elementary School to Crooked River Elementary School; Kelly Scammon, Ed Tech III at Stevens Brook Elementary School to Songo Locks Elementary School; and Kelly Perry, Ed Tech II at Songo Locks Elementary School to Stevens Brook Elementary School.
• Long-Term Substitutes — Linda McVety, Music Teacher at Songo Locks Elementary School for Savannah Wright; Ben Albee, Music Teacher at Crooked River Elementary and Stevens Brook Elementary
School for Haloye Johnson/Savannah Wright; Elizabeth Newberry, Music Teacher and Library Ed Tech at Stevens Brook Elementary School for Savannah Wright/Aliza Wyman.
Donations. From Delta Kappa Gamma to Songo Locks Elementary School of book bags with stuffed animals, approximate value $100;from Coats for Kids to Songo Locks Elementary School of 11 pairs of hand knitted hats and mittens for students in need, approximate value $100.
At the December board meeting, approval of the donation of $504 from Hannaford Helps Schools to Lake Region High School; 24 winter coats from the Knights of Columbus to Lake Region Middle School, approximate value $600; $2,500 from Future Builders to Crooked River Elementary School to support social emotional work being done by staff.
Next meeting: Monday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. Meeting at this time are via Zoom (links can be found at the SAD 61 website — lakeregionschools.org) for the public, while school board directors meet in-person.