Player of the Week: Travis Corson

With Lake Region trying to revive a boys’ tennis program, Travis Corson has been a big help to Coach Joe Dorner.
When it came time to decide a Player of the Week recipient, the coach knew exactly who to pick.
“I chose Travis because of his knowledge of the sport of tennis! He is one of our captains this year and has led by example. He was one of the leaders in actively finding new players to help build up the boys’ tennis program. He would hold a captain’s practice in order to get more court time to play both for himself and the team,” Coach Dorner said. “His mind of the sport is so helpful when helping less experienced players. He would take players aside and share with them his expertise and experience. His competitiveness and drive to push himself to his potential is always present — to the point where if there is a mistake made in practice, he knows what he needs to do to correct the error.”
Travis has also partnered with other players and taken them under his wing when the opportunity to complete individually wasn’t available.
“This has been the most valuable attribute,” Coach Dorner added.
In recognition of his strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Travis is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.
Name: Travis Corson Jr.
Year in School: Senior
Hometown: Windham
Parents: Travis Corson Sr.
Sports you play: Cross-country, tennis
School organizations: METS, Varsity Club
Q. Why did you choose to play tennis? Because of the enjoyment I get from challenging myself while playing
Q. What is the most difficult part of the game? Staying in control of my mindset while playing.
Q. What do you enjoy the most about tennis? The thrill I get from playing and watching my team grow.
Q. What do you feel you need to work on and why? My second serve because it’s weak.
Q. Why is teamwork important? So we can push each other to become better athletes and grow as people.
Q. What is the biggest impact your coach(es) have had on you? Volunteering to coach because we didn’t have one.
Q. How do you want people to view you as an athlete? As a leader and someone they can go to and ask for advice and help.
Q. Ten years from now, when you look back on your high school sports career, what do you think you will remember most? Starting the team and leading captain practices.