Player of the Week: Shannon Hanson

Shannon Hanson always tries to look on the bright side of things. Despite not being able to step onto the soccer field this fall, the Laker senior has been a difference maker, Coach David Jaeger said.
“This year has been anything but normal, from restrictions to constant changes, it has been an emotional rollercoaster for every player on our team. Striving to create consistency not only in sports, but in life has been such a struggle for us all. In times like this, it is important to acknowledge those individuals who go above and beyond the game to create a better experience for everyone. This year, that one player has never had the opportunity to step out on the field due to an injury, however she has been present at every practice, and every game she could. She has kept a positive attitude and even though she cannot participate, her actions speak loudly, and she gives us all an extra reason to give just a little bit more,” he said.
Coach Jaeger said Shannon and her mom were hard at work even before the season began helping to raise money for the team. Over the course of the summer, they helped to raise enough money to buy the Lakers’ new warm-up tops and have plenty left in the account for future use.
“It may not seem like a lot, but even the smallest thing to look forward to has helped to keep us focused this fall, and for that I am forever grateful,” he said. “On the sideline, Shannon has helped to keep the game book, hand out uniforms and even set up drills. I know this season has been incredibly hard on us all, and I know this year has been unfair to many, however when I look at Shannon, I see an individual who can work to find the good in even a bad situation. Someone who can work for a team even when she doesn’t know if she will be able to participate, and someone who embodies the idea that for us, soccer is so much more than the minutes on the field, we are a family who support one another any way we can.”
For these reasons and so many more, Coach Jaeger chose to nominate Shannon for the Girls’ Soccer Player of the Week.
“She is an outstanding individual who I am very sad to see leave us, but I know she has a bright future ahead of her!” he added.
In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Shannon is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.
Player of the Week: Shannon Hanson
Town: Naples
Year in School: Senior
Parents: Heather Hanson, Phil Hanson
Sports you play: Soccer, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
School groups/honors: National Honor Society
Why did you choose soccer? I have been playing soccer since first grade. It has always been one of my passions and I chose to continue it throughout high school because I loved the people I played with, I loved the atmosphere, and I loved the competitive nature of it.
What do you enjoy most about this sport? The thing I love the most about soccer is how close we become as a team every year. It feels like a second family.
How has competing in sports changed you as a person? It has taught me that no matter the outcome of something, you will always learn something even if it isn’t the outcome you want. It has taught me to not give up, and that it is okay to not succeed.
During this period of Covid-19, what has been the most difficult adjustment?The most difficult part has been not being able to be close with our teammates and maintaining a 6-foot distance as much as possible. During soccer season, we always become so close with each other so it has definitely been a challenge.
What is one of your most memorable sports moments?Scoring the tie-breaker goal during one of our Homecoming games.
What is your most disappointing sports memory? During my sophomore year, we made it to the quarterfinals and we were tied and lost by one goal with one-minute left in overtime.
How has sports prepared you for your future? It has taught me how to communicate with others and to not get down on yourself if it doesn’t go exactly the way you want it too.
Name a coach who has made a difference in your life and in what way? Coach Jaeger has made the most difference in my life because he is the type of coach who not only has a huge love for the sport, but for his players, as well. His first-year coaching for the high school was my freshman year, and he has been our coach ever since. My grade has had him the longest and we have all created such a strong bond with him. He takes the time to explain something if you don’t understand; he is always willing to stay after practice and take time out of his day to help you; and he doesn’t get mad if you make a mistake.
What are your future goals?I plan to go to a four-year college, but am still undecided on what I want to pursue.