Player of the Week Madison Shepard

(Photo by Kevin Murphy)
Madison Shepard is a strong role model, has a good work ethic and is a very positive teammate as a member of the Lake Region varsity Indoor Track & Field team, according to Coach Mark Snow.
“Her dedication to the shot put and our team has grown every year since she started with us as a freshman,” Coach Snow said. “Maddy is fairly quiet in full team settings, but speaks up as needed. She knows what needs to be done and is helpful to others. She excels in smaller team settings, especially in our throwing group. She is a positive spirit and is adored by her teammates.”
In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Madison is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.
Player of the Week
Athlete: Madison Shepard
Town: Bridgton
Parents: Molly and Adam Grayson
Hobbies: I enjoy doing indoor track, volleyball, softball, going shopping, spending time with friends, and being outside.
Favorite Athlete (and why): My favorite athlete is Simone Biles. I don’t personally do gymnastics, but I’ve always thought that the way she competes is truly amazing, and her ability and determination is something I really look up to as an athlete.
Q. What are three key elements to be successful in your sport? Strong coaching, working hard at practice, and having good bonds with your teammates.
Q. What is your goal(s) this season, and how do you reach them? My goals this season are to beat my personal records and always grow as an athlete.
Q. What is the most difficult aspect of your sport? The most difficult aspect in my sport is probably keeping a good mindset when you’re having an off day, especially when competing in a meet.
Q. Finish this line, “It’s been a good sports day if….” The whole team stays positive and we all give our best efforts in our events.
Q. How has sports helped in your development as a person? Sports have helped me in many ways, but I think the most evident things are that I became more extroverted and met new people, as well as helped me discover what my passions are.
Q. What lesson have you learned from a coach or teammate that you will long remember? A lesson I learned from a coach is that not everything is all about winning, and that the most important thing is that you had a good time, and pushed yourself to do your best.