Player of the Week Jacoby True

Jacoby True

When Laker Golf Coach Walter Ridlon was asked to select a Hancock Lumber Player of the Week, the choice was obvious.

“I selected Jacoby (True) because he has worked at the game harder than anyone. He was dedicated to the game all summer and this shows in his start to this year’s performance,” Coach Ridlon said. “He has been the low medalist (41 and a 39) in our first two matches. He is very aware of the things he has to improve as he takes his game to the next level.”

Jacoby brings a strong role model to the team, the coach added. “His commitment, dedication and golf etiquette are highly respected by the younger members of our team,” Coach Ridlon noted. “Opposing coaches comment on what a great performer he is — a tribute to him. He is a gentleman in a gentleman’s game.”

Coach Ridlon said several things impress him about this athlete, but the biggest thing is “Jacoby knows he has to be more of a positive thinker. An experience at our last match clearly indicates he wants to improve in this area. He is very focused when on the course. When practice is over, he goes out and plays another 9...others are now doing it with him. Jacoby wants to get better and his daily routine clearly illustrates that.”

In recognition of his strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Jacoby is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.

Player Profile

Athlete: Jacoby True

Town: Naples

Parents: Paul and Billie Jean True

Hobbies: Hanging out with my friends and golf.

Favorite Athlete (and why): Stephen Curry, favorite basketball player. “He inspires me to have a good work ethic.”

What are three key elements to be successful in your sport? Good mindset, hit the ball straight, and have fun while doing it.

What is your goal(s) this season, and how do you reach them? Average under 40, be All-Conference, and place at States.

What is the most difficult aspect of your sport? Hitting the ball good consistently and consistently getting good scores.

Finish this line, It’s been a good sports day if…. Our team is successful and everyone gets along.

How has sports helped in your development as a person? It’s helped me meet a lot of new people and it’s helped me surround myself around the right people.

What lesson have your learned from a coach or teammate that you will long remember? Golf is a game of honesty and how you act on the course shows the type of person you are.