Patricia Glover, 81

FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS — Patricia “Pat” Glover, 81, formerly of Bridgton, died on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at Clear Lake Hospital in Webster, Texas, from complications following a broken hip.
Born on Aug. 15, 1937, to Clarence and Kathleen Irving, Pat lived all but the last two weeks of her life in Maine. She was married for 56 years to Al Glover, who preceded her in death just two months ago, on March 12.
Pat graduated from Gould Academy in 1956 and later attended nursing school. While she loved caring for patients, Pat hated causing them pain by changing surgical dressings or giving a shot, and she fainted at the sight of blood. After raising two daughters, Pat became a reporter for The Bridgton News in the 1970s, and worked as a florist at the former Flower Pot. Later she returned to the hospital, working in Admissions and doing EKGs. During a hospital dedication ceremony Pat was recognized as being one of two people in town to have worked at all three locations of the Bridgton Memorial/Stephens Memorial Hospitals.
One of her lifelong passions was sewing. Pat was an excellent seamstress, making clothes for her family, or to sell at a neighbor’s store. She took on big sewing projects like drapes and wedding gowns, but also loved making small doll blankets, Barbie clothes and teddy bears. She stitched Christmas ornaments and various items for the Bridgton Hospital gift shop or for raffles and fundraising events. Her hands were always busy knitting, crocheting, doing cross-stitch or crewelwork. She learned how to refinish furniture, do upholstery, decoupage, macramé, and how to make decorative lampshades and baskets.
For over 45 years, Pat’s greatest love was quilting. She was a founding member of the Chickadee Quilters in Bridgton and was recently honored by them with a farewell tea before moving to Texas on April 27th. She quilted beautiful bedspreads and wall hangings, table runners and vests, potholders, aprons and baby quilts. Pat won ribbons for her skill with the needle, her eye for color and design, and she never stopped experimenting with new techniques. Pat took her sewing machine, fabric and supplies to Texas in order to teach her granddaughter Rachel how to quilt. Sadly, she passed before they could begin.
Pat loved so many things — gardening, cooking, playing games, and especially watching the deer in her backyard in Bridgton. She was a graceful swimmer, played the organ, loved reading and doing crossword puzzles. Pat shared a love of coffee with her son-in-law Steven, and together they enjoyed watching golf, and she could name many of the players. Her family will miss dancing a jig in the kitchen with her, sharing jokes and stories, enjoying her homemade gifts filled with love, and long conversations on the phone about everything and nothing at all.
Pat is survived by her brother David Irving of Naples; and daughters, Karen Mason from Pennsylvania and Elizabeth “Liz” Phillips from Texas. She had eight grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
A celebration of Pat’s life will be held at 2 p.m., on Sat., June 1, at the Bridgton First Congregational Church, UCC, 33 South High St., Bridgton.