OUI’s near Naples establishment drop to zero

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

NAPLES — After years of grief arising from the number of Operating Under the Influence (OUI) arrests that occurred near a Naples eating establishment, that number dropped to zero.

Last week, Gary’s Olde Towne Tavern got local approval for its liquor license renewal.

When the matter came before the Naples Select Board, Selectman Kevin Rogers pointed out that there was zero OUI’s.

“I want to point out that there were no OUI’s,” Selectman Rogers said.

“For the second year in a row,” Chairman Shane said.

The board voted, 4-0-1, to approve the liquor license. Colin Brackett abstained as he has a professional relationship with Skellet through the American Legion Post # 155.

Each time a business in Naples applies for its liquor license renewal, the town requests a report from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO).

In the past, in an effort to lower the frequency of OUI’s and other problematic alcohol-fueled behavior, Gary’s employees have attended state courses on serving alcohol responsibly. Additionally, a log book was kept by bartenders.

The efforts have paid off. The proof is in the pudding.

Owner Gary Skellett credits one employee in particular for the turn around.

“Laura Lafreniere, who is the general manager of Gary’s, has worked tirelessly in making sure that the safety of our patrons is a top priority,” Skellett said. “She has done a phenomenal job in creating a positive and family-oriented atmosphere at here at Gary’s.”

The other kudos goes to the elected representatives and town leadership, he said.

“We now have a select board that works directly with the businesses in the town and how not only to improve town safety, but also how we can bring in new businesses to help the town prosper,” he said.

“In years’ past, business-owners have felt it was the businesses versus the select board. That is no longer the case. It has been a productive and refreshing few years for the people and businesses of Naples,” Skellett said.

In February of this year and again in late June, the Town of Naples hosted a business outreach meeting at the Legion to get input from business owners.