One on One with…LR Valedictorian Keyana Prescott

Valedictorian Keyana Prescott
Where you are from: Casco
Parents names: Pamela Babbitt and Jason Prescott
School organizations/sports: Varsity soccer, basketball, softball, indoor & outdoor track and field, Varsity Club, Math Team, Interact Club, Student Council, National Honor Society (president), and Class Secretary.
Honors: High honors/honors, Valedictorian
By Wayne E. Rivet
Staff Writer
For as long as Keyana Prescott can remember, the moment she got off the school bus each day, her grandpa had her sit down and do her homework.
“If it weren’t for you (grandpa) enforcing that habit, I would not have the work ethic I do now,†Keyana told her classmates Sunday during her speech (which can be read in its entirety in Section C this week) at Lake Region High School’s graduation ceremony. “I appreciate you being my number one fan for the last 18 years more than you will ever know.â€
Valedictorian of the Class of 2016, Keyana recapped the accomplishments, obstacles, victories and defeats endured over the last four years and closed out her comments by saying, “The possibilities we are given are endless, and it is simply what we make of it.â€
The News went One on One with Valedictorian Keyana Prescott this week:
BN. People often wonder, how does a student become the tops in their class? What has it taken for you to achieve this incredible honor?
KEYANA: It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to your studies as well as becoming involved in extracurricular events. I personally believe that getting involved in as many organizations as possible can help contribute to one’s success. It will take focus and lots of effort. I have been asked before, “Keyana, how are you so smart?†But I believe that it has nothing to do with how smart you are, it is the amount of effort and time you put into each assignment.
BN. Young people often have a difficult time balancing schoolwork and other things such as sports, music and social events. How were you able to be involved yet earn such high marks?
KEYANA: It definitely was not easy trying to balance all of my extracurriculars, but I learned how time management worked very quickly. Doing homework on the bus home from away games happened quite a few times. It is important to prioritize which assignments are due sooner than others and focus on those first.
BN. What advice would you give incoming freshmen in regards to finding a good balance?
KEYANA: I would tell the freshmen to never hold back in participating in an organization they would like to try. Do not let the thought of not having enough time get in the way of your studies. I believe that sports and clubs helped me throughout high school. They are a great way to make new friends that may be in the same classes as you and you can often make a study group within your club or team members. It is important to figure out a strategy that works best for you and stick to that!
BN. Speaking of freshmen, what were your goals as you entered high school; how did you make it happen; and any regrets?
KEYANA: As a freshman, I was interested in becoming as involved as I possibly could. I took a full schedule and tried to get as many classes out of the way that I could. From the very beginning, I wanted to become valedictorian more than anything. I set my eyes on it and I worked for it every day.
BN. We live in such a changing world. What were the three biggest changes you experienced over your high school days and what impact did they have on you?
KEYANA: The three biggest changes I experienced throughout high school were most likely the changing of principals, how our schedules were set up, and myself as a person. These changes were just something I had to adapt to as they occurred, but I got used to them.
BN. What were three most difficult things you had to overcome during your high school days?
KEYANA: Some of the most difficult things I had to overcome during high school were having friends move away to other schools, deal with high amounts of stress and the lack of sleep I got in the process of trying to balance everything. Although it was difficult at times to keep pushing through when things got hard, I knew I had to do it if I wanted to achieve my goals and make people proud. That is what got me to keep going.
BN. What were the three things you were most proud of?
KEYANA: Three things I am most proud of during high school are that I accomplished my goal of becoming valedictorian of my class, I gave everything I did my all, and I got involved with everything I possibly could. I made the best out of high school and made memories that I will never forget.
BN. What three things would you change at Lake Region High School, and why?
KEYANA: Something I would change at LRHS would be the amount of AP courses we offer. I wish there had been more AP science courses, such as Biology, Chemistry, etc. These would have been useful for me to earn credits to bring to college. I also think that Academy time should be used differently. I know for some students, they didn’t feel as though they were using their time in Academy wisely because there was little structure. Lastly, my senior year flew by way too quick. However, I know that is something I cannot change.
BN. What was the greatest lesson you learned during your high school days, and how will it help you in the future?
KEYANA: The greatest lesson I learned during my high school days is to always do what makes you happy. Oftentimes, people get caught up in trying to please others before they take care of themselves. As I approached graduation, the end of high school, I realized that my happiness is all that matters. I believe that this will help me in the future in my attitude, making choices, and my outlook on life.
BN. Speaking of the future, what is next for you? Where are you headed; have you decided on a career path, and if so, what lead you in this direction?
KEYANA: This fall I will be attending Saint Joseph’s College in Standish to become a registered nurse. After completion of my BSN, I plan to continue on to get my master’s degree in nursing and pursue a career as a family nurse practitioner. I have always had a passion for caring for and helping others. I think that being able to make a difference in the lives of others is absolutely amazing.
BN. Finally, give me three people who have been a major influence during your high school days and how have they impacted you developing in into the person you are today?
KEYANA: I believe that that three most influential people I have had throughout high school are my grandpa, my best friend, and all of my teachers. My grandpa has been my number one fan since day one and I cannot thank him enough for that. He has always pushed me to do my very best no matter how hard it got. My best friend, Sam, has been there helping with schoolwork, sports, life and everything in between. She is my rock. As for all of the staff members, I feel as though each one has taught me something valuable about life and I can’t pick just one. I wouldn’t be where I am today without those people.