Omar — ‘Very deserving’
VOCATIONAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR — Lake Region Vocational Center has selected Omar Gongora as the 2010-11 Student of the Year. A senior, Omar is enrolled in the LRVC Automotive Technology II program. Pictured are (left to right) Maine Congressman Mike Michaud, who assisted in the recognition of 24 students at vocational schools around the state; Omar Gongora; and Dr. Donald Cannan, executive director for Maine Administrators of Career & Technical Education, which sponsored the ceremony.
Omar Gongora has been selected as the Lake Region Vocational Center “2010-11 Student of the Year.â€
He was recently recognized by Maine Congressman Mike Michaud and Dr. Donald Cannan, executive director for Maine Administrators of Career & Technical Education.
Omar is a senior at Lake Region High School, who is completing his second year of Automotive Technology at Lake Region Vocational Center. He is a student who is respected and well liked by his peers. He arrives every day at LRVC ready to learn with a smile on his face.
As president of the LRVC Senior SkillsUSA Chapter, Omar uses his outstanding leadership skills and positive attitude to meet the chapter goals. His advisor says, “Omar keeps things upbeat and this seems to spread to the other members.â€
Omar is one of the founding members of the Student PRIDE Team, which advises the staff on positive reinforcement activities for the students. He does not hesitate to give his opinion and knows how to get a job done. He is known and well liked by the entire LRVC staff.
At the high school, Omar made it look easy when he played the part of a shady gambler in the musical Guys & Dolls this past year. He has also participated in athletics throughout his school career.
Omar has been accepted at Central Maine Community College for the fall semester.
His Automotive instructor says, “Omar is a pleasure to have in class and very deserving of this honor.â€