‘Noises Off!’ should provide plenty of laughs

“Noises Off!” the play opens tonight, Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. in the Lake Region High School auditorium!
Directed by Eugene Long, get ready for a fun-filled night of slamming doors and flying sardines with a large cast and crew of talented thespians and technicians.
The play is produced by Taylor Cronin, costumes are by Erin Bradley, set design and construction by Greg Harris, and signs and advertising by Cheryl Cronin, Jeffery Toole and Taylor Cronin.
To give the public an insider’s view of the upcoming production, The News reached out to senior cast members for a few thoughts. Those responding were Paige Goldstein of Naples, who plays Brooke Ashton; Walker Elsaesser of Casco, who plays Lloyd Dallas; and Emma Crawford of North Bridgton, who plays Belinda Blair. Here’s their takes:

BN: What role do you play, and what do you like about the role?
Paige: I play Brooke/Vicki. I enjoy playing this play-within-a-play role because my character is supposed to be a terrible actress. I find this hilarious. She zones out often and never knows what is going on. However, she always manages to catch her boyfriend at just the wrong moments, and she certainly pays attention to that.
Walker: I play Lloyd. What I love about the role is how controlling I get to be. I get to play a very angry/sarcastic role so it is a fantastic time to be able to get away with the things I say and do in the show.
Emma: I play as Belinda, also known as Flavia.
BN: How many shows have you appeared in and what lured you to performing?

Paige: This will be my 24th show. I began theater when I was six. At the time, I was lured into it because I wanted to work my way up to being a Disney Channel star.
Walker: This will be my ninth show since I started back in my freshman year. I began theater because all of my friends did it and I wanted to hang out with them more. I ended up finding one of my favorite hobbies.
Emma: I’ve been in six shows so far. I grew up watching the high school plays and knew I wanted to be a part of them.
BN: What do you enjoy most about being a member of a cast?
Paige: Being a member of a cast gives me such a sense of community and love. We all encourage each other to be the best we can possibly be. There is nothing that brings people together more than putting a show together (and the in-between rehearsal dance parties). It really makes us see each other’s best and worst moments. I will forever be grateful for all of the time I’ve spent with such an incredible group of people.
Walker: What I enjoy most about being a member of the cast is that I have a great relationship with everyone so it makes acting with them 10 times more fun. I love my castmates so much and wouldn’t trade them for anything.
Emma: What I enjoy most about being a member of the cast is being able to connect with people who have similar interests as me.

Josepha Brehm as Poppy Emma Crawford as Belinda Blair Morgan Cross at Dotty Otley
David DelVecchio as Gary Lejeune
Walker Elsaesser as Lloyd Dallas
Paige Goldstein as Brooke Ashton
Thomas Kolofsky as Gary Lejeune
Tyler LaFontaine as Frederic Fellows
Walker Lavoie as Tim Allgood Connor Perfetto as Lloyd Dallas Shannon Ranger as Dotty Otley Joshua Ross as Selsdon Mowbray
Tyler Stuart as Frederic Fellows
Isabella Wears as Belinda Blair Collette Woodson as Brooke Ashton
Annie O’Connor as Poppy
Emeline Akeley, stage manager Aidan Cormier, sound
Katie Holbrook, make-up
Abby Scarlett, stage manager Mariella Silvia, lights
Eugene Long, director
Taylor Cronin, producer
Erin Bradley, costumes
Nov. 21-24
Lake Region High School auditorium
7 p.m., Thursday, Friday, Saturday
2 p.m. Saturday, Sunday TICKETS
$6, students & seniors (65-plus) $8 adults
At the Door $8, students & seniors (65-plus) $10 adults $20 for families with young children
Ticket outlets: Aubuchon Hardware in Naples, Bridgton Books, Casco Village Church and LRHS office
BN: What makes you nervous, and how do you overcome it?
Paige: Nothing makes me more nervous than when my dad is in the audience. He loves plays, especially comedies. Before he comes to see it, I tell him all of the scenes and characters I think he will love. On the car ride back home after he sees the show, it solely consists of me cross-examining him on what he laughed at throughout the performance.
Walker: I usually get nervous before our first show just like anyone else, but the second I walk on stage, it all goes away and I am having a blast.
Emma: I get nervous right before going on stage, but I’m not really nervous while I’m out there. I also get nervous about messing up my lines or falling. I overcome this by telling myself I’ll be fine and by believing I am the character I’m playing the part of.
BN: How have you improved, and what did you do to reach that level?
Paige: I think I improved the most when I realized that to bring life to a role, you have to think about everything that makes the character themselves. Throughout the rehearsal process, I put myself in the character’s shoes. What is their relationship with the other characters? What are they thinking about when this scene is happening? How familiar are they with their surroundings? To understand the character, it is important to become the character on stage. When I am in the process of rehearsing a role, I sometimes find myself doing the mannerisms I do as the character in real-life conversation. I’m sure my friends hate me for it.
Walker: When I first began theater, I was a very quiet and shy boy. Since then, I have come out of my shell and feel very comfortable on stage!
Emma: I’ve improved by relating myself to my characters. I think about how I would react to certain situations and allow that to be expressed when I’m acting.
BN: Finally, complete the following, “I know I had a good performance if...”
Paige: I know I had a good performance if I manage to not laugh at my castmates while I’m onstage.
Walker: I know I had a good performance if my mom wasn’t the only one laughing.
Emma: I know I had a good performance if the audience reacts positively. Hearing loud cheers or laughter during my scenes makes me feel amazing, and lets me know I’ve done a good job.
What are your future plans?
Paige: I want to major in Psychology and go on to become a school counselor.
Walker: I plan to major in music composition.
Emma: My future plans are to go to college and become a foreign language teacher.