NHS donates to Tucker’s House
NHS DONATION TO TUCKER’S HOUSE — Lake Region High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society recently held a bake sale at the Naples Public Library to raise money for Tucker’s House. The chapter raised $620 in sales and donations to benefit the newly opened women’s recovery home in North Bridgton. Pictured here are some NHS members delivering the proceeds of their fundraising efforts to Kirsten Wears, the Executive Director of Tucker’s House. The organization also raised an additional $1,340 by selling cash calendars to benefit the home. Members pictured from left to right: Bhavnish Tucker, Madelyn Meserve, Sera Travis, Abigale Pomerleau, Ashley Pelletier, Izabell Apovian, Sadie Plummer, Abigail Littlefield, Melissa Mayo, Tucker’s House Executive Director Kirsten Wears, Annabelle Montgomery, Rachel Lake, Lauren Roy and Lyla Levesque. (Rivet Photo)