Naples gets heavy news about gym roof

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

NAPLES — An engineer’s evaluation of the weight load limit for the gym roof has put the Town of Naples on alert with every forecasted snowstorm.

An engineer’s most recent report states that the Naples gymnasium roof can only handle 10 inches of snow; and that snow amount is the same weight as 2.5 inches of water or 2.5 inches of ice, according to Naples Town Manager John Hawley.

First off, the gym roof condition does not meet the current code for snow loads, he said. 

“So, the current load maximum is 10 inches of snow,” Hawley said. “But, it is important to note that 10 inches is the equivalent of 2.5 inches of water, which is what is currently on the roof without any snow.”

On Monday, the Naples Board of Selectmen heard the results of the report from HEB Engineers, Inc.

“Their recommendation is to remove all the snow. The problem with that is, we need some ice on the roof so that shoveling or mechanical snow removal does not damage the existing tarp and the roof membrane,” Hawley said.

“So the news is not good,” Hawley said. Plus, “we don’t know the extent of the water damage.”

HEB Engineers offered to check the roof for water damage but Hawley decided against it.  

“In order to do that we would have to remove all the ceiling panels and all the electric wiring. I asked them not to do it because of the cost,’ he said.

Right now, the roof is currently covered with an industrial tarp. (The tarp is the solution because although money to replace the roof was approved during the town meeting two years ago, the total cost was more expensive than what was budgeted. The second item to postpone the roof repair is the process of researching whether it is best to replace the roof or rebuild the gym as part of plans for a community center. The community center was also discussed on Monday.)

On Monday, Chairman Jim Grattelo mentioned that a tarp covered the roof last winter, too. He asked how many times the roof was shoveled last winter.

Hawley said that it was shoveled only once.

“We had so much ice that we were able to put a snowblower up there, remove snow and not even touch the ice,” Hawley said.

“With that tarp, we have a lot more water on the roof. This time of year, we don’t get the sunlight to evaporate like we do in the summer time,” he said.

Selectman Kevin Rogers suggested a way to let water flow off the roof.

“The down spouts are covered by the tarp. Could those be opened up?” Rogers asked.

Hawley said that pulling back the tarp to allow water to run off “could compromise the tarp.”

There was mention that the load limits were being determined according to the 2015 code.

“When these flat roofs were designed they were made for greater weight loads,” Chairman Grattelo said.

Rogers asked about activities taking place in the gym, and also where the posts were. There was some discussion about posts and placing activities where the most roof support is.

Grattelo told the town manager to remove the ice and water as soon as possible.

“I think we need to make an attempt to get the stuff off the roof, to get it below the 2.5 inches. We have to get ahead of it before the winter,” Grattelo said.

He also expressed concerns about an alarmist attitude.

“The one problem you have is when you hire an engineer, they are overly cautious. I can see us pissing off half the town because we close the gym based on one engineer,” he said.

Hawley said, “They set the liability threshold.”

On Tuesday afternoon, Hawley said the town would have to get an automatic pump to remove water from the roof. The water cannot be pushed away with a squeegee because of the lip of the edges of the roof.