Masons’ LRVC Student of the Month — Maya Day

Maya Day of Porter, Class of 2023, has been selected as the Mason’s Lake Region Vocational Center Student of the Month for December.
Parents: David Day and Medy Jale
Hobbies: Cheering, Soccer, Driving
What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Culinary Arts II program.
What do you like most about your program? Something I liked the most about the program is the friendships I was able to build with everyone.
What are your plans after graduation? I plan to attend Southern Maine Community College after I graduate.
What career goal(s) do you have? I plan to become a dental hygienist.
Who or what inspired you to pursue this path? My parents and grandfather inspired me to pursue that path.
What advice would you like to give future students? Advice I would give to future students is to not worry about things in the past, and to put it behind them. Focus on what really matters now and in the future.