Masons’ LRVC Student of the Month

Ayerabella Harrington, a senior from Cornish, has been selected as the Masons’ Lake Region Vocational Student of the Month for April.
Parents: Byron and Diane Harrington
Siblings: Ryan and Janel
Hobbies: I enjoy being with animals and hanging out with my nephews.
What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Law Enforcement II program.
What do you like most about your program? It’s a hands-on class setting which I learn better in. There is a lot of work to do, but we have plenty of time to complete it.
What are your plans after graduation? I will attend Central Maine Community College for Criminal Justice. I will also be working at a jail as a corrections officer during the summer and hopefully part-time during college.
What career goal(s) do you have? I hope to become a K-9 officer eventually.
Who or what inspired you to pursue this path? I have always wanted to become a cop, and my brother showed me that I can become whatever I want to.
What advice would you like to give future students? Don’t give up!