LRVC Student of the Month

Chloe Lamontagne, a senior from West Baldwin, has been selected as the Masons’ Lake Region Vocational Student of the Month for November.
Parents: Stephen and Kimberly Lamontagne
Hobbies: I enjoy writing and reading.
Q. What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Law Enforcement II program.
Q. What do you like most about your program? I like everything about the program, from the subjects we learn about, to the field trips, to the people in my class.
Q. What are your plans after graduation? I have enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.
Q. What career goal(s) do you have? After serving in the Air Force, I hope to go into the FBI to solve cold cases.
Q. Who or what inspired you to pursue this path? My family has a cold case. I’ve seen how it affects people’s mental health and how it affects their lives.
Q. What advice would you like to give future students? Be on time, do the right thing, and never pass up an opportunity.