Lions’ Student of the Month, Liz Smith

Liz Smith of Casco has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for March.
Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is presented a monetary award.
Parents: Megan Smith and Eric Smith
Siblings: Wyatt Smith, Ava Smith, Evan Smith
Activities: Soccer, basketball, ASTRA, Environmental Club, Varsity Club, Newspaper Club, National Honor Society
Hobbies: Skiing, napping, hanging out with my dog
Future Plans: Major in exercise science and get my doctorate in Physical Therapy
Schools that you have or will apply: UNE, Husson University, Franklin Pierce College, Springfield, UHART, Quinnipiac, University of Bridgeport, Northern Vermont University
Schools that you have been accepted to: UNE, Husson University, Franklin Pierce College, Springfield, UHART, Quinnipiac, University of Bridgeport, Northern Vermont University
What is your favorite class? My favorite class I have ever taken is Sociology because I just found it the most fascinating. I really like content that makes you think. It was also one of those things that is really relatable to what we go through on a daily basis.
What is your toughest class? The toughest class I have ever taken is Pre-Calculus. I don’t know if there is a specific reason or just the fact that I had a really hard time wrapping my head around the content.
How do you balance your class work and your extracurricular activities? I actually do better with a lot of things going on. Whenever I have less things to do and more time, I find myself procrastinating a lot. When I have a lot of things to do and little time to get it done, I know that I can’t put it off until tomorrow and I just get it done.
What is the biggest challenge high school students face today? Comparisons. This may just be with people around me, but I feel in high school we are in constant competition. Whether it’s what we look like or what our grades are or the difference between the difficulty of our class course or where we want and can get into for college. I caught myself many times wondering if I actually wanted certain things or if I just wanted people to know I did certain things.
Who has inspired you educationally? My mom has always pushed to take the harder course load and to get good grades. There were definitely times where I wasn’t the happiest with these standards throughout my high school career, but in the end, it helped me to accomplish all of my goals.