Lions Club Student of the Month Rianna Reynolds

Rianna Reynolds of Bridgton has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for March.
Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior based on academics and volunteerism in school and community services. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award.
Parents: Thomas and Carrie Reynolds
Activities: Varsity Volleyball, Varsity Tennis, Art Club Co-President, Interact Club, Student Summit, Assistant Youth Volleyball Coach
Hobbies: Crochet, Guitar, Travel
Future plans: Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design at Wentworth Institute of Technology.
Q. What do you believe are three keys to being a good student? The three keys to being a good student are responsibility, determination, and humility. There will always be pressure on students to be the best they can be even when they feel unable to complete the task. However, forcing yourself to always do your best when you can’t is not the key to producing your best work. You need to learn the balance of quality and quantity. Which is where the three keys come into play. Responsibility will keep you in check, determination will provide motivation and humility will allow you to get the assistance you require. I believe that one will not exist without the other. Humility provides a student with the confidence to know they do their best even if they need help in the process. They can ask for help and offer others what they know. Determination and motivation go hand in hand; pushing yourself and wanting to achieve the highest level you can. There is importance to the willingness to grow and step out of your comfort zone as a student and a person.
Q. What is your favorite class and why? My favorite classes are the arts. I have always held a passion for creativity. The art rooms have been my anchor within my academic day throughout my high school career. The classes where I have been able to express myself creatively have been Drawing 2 and Advanced Art Techniques. Drawing 2 was instructed by Ian Carlson. This class had a total of six students, all of whom, including myself, were juniors (at the time) and all enjoyed art. We were able to learn the advanced techniques of drawing while having the freedom to choose our subject. This is where I produced my proudest pieces, a Macro-Leaf study and a charcoal drawing of a statue.
Advanced Art, instructed by Teal Carlson, we have been able to explore any medium we have access to and decide how we produce our design. Most recently, we have been assigned a student-choice project. This project lets us have free reign. I am exploring the meaning of feminine energy and empowerment within art.
I am thankful for the variety of opportunities and support that Mr. and Mrs. Carlson have given me. I will forever be grateful for meeting them and their undying motivation to bring the opportunity to make art within LRHS.
Q. Who is your favorite teacher and why? I have two favorite teachers and they happen to be married. Ian and Teal Carlson have been an influential team during my time at LRHS. They are both the art teachers here, and I am lucky enough to have had them as my teachers for the past three years. From choosing my artwork to be featured in the PMA and the logo for LRHS’s very own Art Show to electing me as the Art Club Co-President, they have given me so many opportunities to be myself and learn without limits.
Most recently, I presented a mural project to them for Art Club, and they were immediately on board and gave me the resources and confidence I needed to get it going. I had the ability to reach out to our local muralist, Kate Erwin, for advice, thanks to the Carlsons for having the Art Club work with her on her Bridgton Books mural previously. I am so proud to have them in my corner and am forever thankful for the lessons they have taught me, not only as an art student, but as a person and a leader.
Q. If you could change one thing about your educational experience, what would it be and why? Looking back at my education, I would’ve loved to have had more challenging academic opportunities. I was able to self-motivate myself to take advantage of the honors challenges and the online college classes, but only if I sought it out myself, was I challenged. As someone who is involved in a variety of extracurriculars, I noticed that our school clubs were often overlooked in importance compared to other out-of-school activities. In the fall, I was unable to attend and participate in my clubs because sports trumped importance and would constantly overlap schedules with clubs. I wish there was more importance and recognition for students in clubs and sports. Unfortunately, I and many of my peers were forced to choose between the two.
Q. What accomplishment are you most proud of, and why? My proudest accomplishment would be my self-improvement throughout high school. I believe that I have grown so much as a person, student, friend, sister, and daughter. Sophomore year was my first year being in school, because of Covid during my freshman year. My foundation of high school was obscured by the online and shutdown world of the pandemic. Sophomore year was a time of foundational social and self-learning. I was scared to join clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities, but what I’ve learned is that these activities are where you learn most about yourself. I am thankful for my friends and family who encouraged me to join and get out of my comfort zone. Now that I am a senior and deciding on college, I know myself and am ready to step out of my comfort zone again.