Lions Club Student of the Month Eva Fickett

Eva Fickett of Naples of has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for January.
Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior based on academics and volunteerism in school and community services. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award.
Parents: Rachel Boyer and Darren Fickett
Activities: Choir, theater program, baking, community service, being with friends/family.
Hobbies: Singing, working, exercise, drawing, and dancing.
Future plans: I plan to go to Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) for two years and get all of my course credits and then transfer to the University of Southern Maine (USM). I want to study Elementary Education and minor in Psychology or Music.
Q. What do you believe are three keys to being a good student? The three key things to me that mean you are a good student are, doing it like you mean it, respect, and responsibility.
Q. What is your favorite class and why? My favorite class is Chamber Choir because I learn something new every day. I’m also surrounded by people I love first thing in the morning so it makes my day.
Q. Who is your favorite teacher and why? My favorite teacher is a tie between Mrs. Caiazzo and Ms. Stetson. I met Ms. Stetson when I was a sophomore and it was her first year here. She has helped me grow as a vocalist so much and I wouldn’t be the same person without her. I also had Mrs. Caiazzo for the first time my sophomore English class and over the years she’s just become my one of my favorites. I like her style of teaching and how down to earth she is.
Q. If you could change one thing about your educational experience, what would it be and why? One thing I would change is taking more Advanced Placement courses. I took AP US History my sophomore year and I don’t think I was really prepared for it. I lost faith in the whole idea of taking another course as advanced.
Q. What accomplishment are you most proud of, and why? An accomplishment I’m most proud of is being accepted into an honor choir in Rhode Island through the Maine ACDA program last year. I am proud of this accomplishment because this choir had to be auditioned for out of the eastern region only and that’s a lot of people, so it makes me feel more confident in my abilities. Plus, it was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had that involved music.