Lions Club Student of the Month: Emily Lake
Emily Lake of Naples has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month†for September.
Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award.
Parents: Bethany and Jeffrey Lake
Student organizations, sports teams, activities, hobbies: Varsity soccer and basketball for three years and lacrosse all four years; National Honor Society and Varsity Club; volunteer at the Naples Fire Department (Dad is a member and I have been helping out since I was little) doing things like the food booth, Blues Fest, Children’s Santa Run Decorations and Halloween; spend a lot of time volunteering with the youth and middle school lacrosse programs as a coach; help out with Youth Rec Day for soccer and basketball; enjoy playing lacrosse along with hunting and fishing with my dad.
What do you like most about school, why? School is where you are able to challenge yourself, and explore your interests for the future. It is also where you grow the most as a student and as a person.
What is your biggest challenge in school? My biggest challenge in school is language arts and history. I have always preferred math and science because they make more logical sense. I also have a little bit of a hard time with time management. It is quite difficult to be taking some of the hardest courses offered and being a three-sport athlete.
What is your favorite subject, and why? Math and science. They make sense to me, in more cases than not there is only one answer that is derived through a logical process. I also like solving problems. Chemistry was probably my favorite so far though physics is a close second since we get to burn things with mirrors.
If you could change one thing about school, what would it be (and why)? I would want to get more people involved. There are so many people who are not involved in activities in school that could be and in my opinion are really missing out. Not to mention, they are letting the other people in their class down. Many people will remember decorating for Homecoming a few years down the road, but if you weren’t involved, you won’t be able to.
What characteristics do you believe a good teacher should possess? A good teacher should be able to make any subject interesting to a wide range of students. Along with this, they should genuinely like the subject they teach so they can help their students like it and understand it.
What goals did you hope to achieve during your high school days? To be honest, my goals were to be a good kid and a good student. I didn’t necessarily say that I needed to get straight As or be friends with everyone, it just happened.
What do you hope to do in the future in terms of career, and why are you headed in that direction? In the future, I would like to become an engineer. I am headed in this direction because I enjoy math and science along with working with my hands.
What do you think it will take to be successful in the future? A lot of hard work and determination.
What lesson have you learned while at Lake Region High School that will help you in the future? I have learned that sometimes in order to succeed you need to learn from your failures.