Letter: Never let a good crisis go to waste

To The Editor:

“Only in the fevered brain of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could things like forcing the airlines to be carbon neutral, making sure Planned Parenthood qualifies for small business assistance, cancelling the Postal Service’s debt, and requiring nationwide same-day voting be seen as a proper and valid response to the Wuhan Virus crisis that is crushing our economy and killing our people.”  (Daniel John Sobieski, American Thinker)

The problem that Progressives have in dealing with the Covid-19 virus pandemic or any crisis is that Progressives cannot view anything except through a political lens, which always weaponizes the crisis to advance their agenda instead of the crisis at hand.  Rahm Emmanuel said it best, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” 

The Progressive Agenda has always been to get Trump by any means necessary, fair or foul.  Progressives used a made-up dossier, paid for by Hillary, to hoodwink the FISA Court into allowing Trump to be falsely accused of colluding with Russia. 

Progressives then tried to remove Trump via Impeachment lead by Nancy Pelosi, whose agenda is to undo the 2016 election; the Dems never recognized that Hillary lost, and Trump won.  Democrats are afraid they won’t win this time either, so are already interfering in the 2020 election.  Bill Maher stated the obvious, “…I’m hoping for it [recession] because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy… Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession, or you lose your democracy.” 

The Resistance, the Mueller Investigation into Russian Collusion and Obstruction of Justice; the Schiff Investigation into Bribery, Obstructing Congress, Abusing Power resulted in a partisan Impeachment with no charges rising to more than an expensive harassment by Congress of a duly elected president.   

Impeachment kept the Senate from doing anything else for 30-plus days, which allowed the Covid-19 pandemic to get a foothold before the government could react.

The Democrats used their standard game plan:  Blame Trump for the China Virus outbreak.  Talk down the economy.  Hold up rescue programs.  Blackmail the relief bill to get 100’s of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on the Green Agenda, none of which helps contain the corona virus or helps the economy recover.  This time the Pelosi – Schumer agenda is backfiring.  Maybe now Progressives will stop milking a crisis to maintain their political power and wealth. 

Jock MacGregor
