Leaky roofs lead to Naples facilities plan

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

NAPLES — The Naples gymnasium is not the only town-owned building with a leaky roof.

On Monday, it was brought to light that the roof of the Naples Museum & Information Center is not faring well against this rainy summer.

Interim Town Manager Bill Giroux said the fix-it list is an opportunity for elected officials to create a facilities upgrade list.

“I’ve talked to the chairman about having a five-year plan, not just for vehicles but for facilities as well so we can project these costs and budget for them,” Giroux said.

The museum’s leaky roof was mentioned during the public participation portion of the Naples Board of Selectmen meeting on Monday.

“There are a few issues with the museum and the information center — the roof leaks. It has been leaking since 2018. Repairs were done . . .  But, with these heavy rains this summer, there are new leaks in the seam in the ceiling,” according to resident Ken Norton.

“Even during the summer, the water is coming under the garage door. We purchased an absorbent pad to put behind door so water does not flow where the wooden antiques are,” he said.

“This isn’t a complaint. Just an observation,” Norton said.

Maintenance Department Director Steve Merkle explained what was wrong with the roof.

“When that roof was put on, there was not enough of an overhang. What happens is the water gets driven up underneath there. We have caulked it,” Merkle said. 

Norton said the reason he was bringing up the leaky roof is because he saw a post listing multiple town items in need of repair.

“I just wanted to make sure this was on the list. This is another roof that needs repair. Is salt shed still on list,” Norton said.

Other problems in the museum building include door jams that are worn out or may have swollen from the humidity. 

Some improvement projects are taking place at the museum, he said. Currently, the Naples Historical Society is doing clean up. The members have painted the floor and disposed of winter sand around the building, he said.

The structure gets much use during the summer months.

“I’ve been stopping by at least twice a week this summer. I can’t believe how busy that place is,” Norton said. 

Each time he goes into the building, there has been someone asking questions or looking at the museum displays, he said.

Giroux said some of the items that Norton listed, such as the doors and door jams, sound like maintenance projects.

Resident Priscilla Kyle brought up the need for roof repair at the Edes Falls Community Center, a former one-room school house off Edes Falls Road.

“We need a new roof on the 140-year old schoolhouse. We lost part of it over the winter. It was the way the roof was put on after a fire,” Kyle said.

The roof was 23 years old. She had phoned the insurance company to see how much of the repair costs will be covered.