Lake Region Drama Club presents “The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens’

Show dates:December 2, 3, at 7 p.m. and December 4, 5 at 2 p.m. in the Lake Region High School Auditorium.
Tickets:On sale at the door, $10 adults and $5 students and seniors.
Masks must be work in the auditorium.
What’s the Plot: Gathered on a stormy evening at Worthington Manor to celebrate Edward’s fiftieth birthday are his attractive wife, her playboy brother, Edward’s befuddled older sister, his ex-wife and his daughter, a college student. Also present are his shady lawyer and his uptight business manager with his giddy wife and southern secretary, as well as the butler, the housekeeper, the maid and the cook. Each has a motive that is barely established when the lights go out! Seconds later, they come back on to reveal that someone has been murdered. The police detective investigates and eventually allows the audience to question the suspects before the killer’s identity is revealed in a surprising climax.
Introducing, Senior Kaytrien Hall
Kaytrien is from Casco and is the daughter of Bonnie Boomsma and Greg Hall. She will be playing the role of Miss Beatrice Worthington.
When asked what she enjoys about being involved in the theater, Kaytrien responded, “I enjoy being able to express my emotions through acting and creating a strong bond with my cast that I know will last a very, very long time.”

She has been in Dear Edwina and Beauty and the Beast while in middle school and West Side Story and Charley’s Aunt in high school. Kaytrien has also performed in The Wizard of Oz and James and the Giant Peach with Lake Region Community Theatre. She also traveled to New York City and performed in the show Hemophilia: The Musical.
In the future, Kaytrien plans on going to college to be a music teacher and do what she can do make peoples days even just a little bit better.
Introducing, Senior Tyler Stuart
Tyler is the son of Michelle and Steve Stuart of Casco. He will be playing the role of Tony Blackwell.
When asked what he enjoys about being involved in the theater, Tyler responded, “The main part of theater I enjoy is the social aspect. Being able to be around the people I enjoy and doing something I enjoy is enjoyable.”
Tyler performed in Beauty and the Beast Jr. while in middle school and in high school he performed inThe Diary of Anne Frank, West Side Story, Noises Off and Charley’s Aunt. He also performed in James and the Giant Peachwith Lake Region Community Theatre.
In the future, Tyler plans to go to college somewhere far away and warm where he can start a new life where he knows nobody but the ghosts that haunt him. After college, Tyler wants to work for the National Parks or maybe own an apple orchard. If those don’t work out, a mailman seems like a good idea.