In the LRVC Spotlight, Chloe Frank

Chloe Frank of Bridgton is the Lake Region Vocational Center’s Student of the Month for February.
Class of: 2022
Parents: Ed and Tara Frank
Siblings: Jamie, Autumn, and Mahayla
Hobbies: I have always enjoyed drawing and coloring, video games, and climbing trees.
What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Law Enforcement program.
What do you like most about your program? I enjoy the speakers from the community, who share their knowledge and experiences with our class, the field trips to sites, and my classmates.
What are your plans after graduation? I will be joining the Navy.
What career goal(s) do you have? I eventually plan to become a forensic scientist for the FBI or NCIS.
Who or what inspired you to pursue this path? I was inspired by watching crime shows.
What advice would you like to give future students? I would advise them that if they are going through bad times, to realize that those are just times that are bad (and they won’t last) and to not give up no matter how difficult things seem.