How sweet it is! Ancora backs, bakes for breast cancer fundraiser

CONSCIENTIOUS CALORIES — From Aug. 1 through Aug. 7, Ancora Italian Restaurant will be participating in Bakes for Breast Cancer Maine. All of the proceeds from two desserts, the pink prickly pear panna cotta and the chocolate bread pudding, will go toward breast cancer awareness and research. (Photo courtesy of Ancora Italian Restaurant)

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

Individuals are being invited to do something that feels good on the taste buds and on the conscience. 

Two desserts will be featured at Ancora Italian Restaurant. When someone purchases these particular desserts, 100% of the proceeds will go toward breast cancer research in the Pine Tree State. 

The pair of desserts to be highlighted: Pink prickly pear panna cotta and chocolate bread pudding. 

During the first week of August, Ancora Italian Restaurant — which is located 18A Depot St. — plans to take part in Bakes for Breast Cancer Maine.

Restaurant manager and business partner Jamison Hathaway-Clark did not think twice about getting involved in this fundraiser. After all, the restaurant has done it faithfully in years’ past.  

“We are very community driven. We like to support community events. We love to donate our time and proceeds to these types of charities or events,” Hathaway-Clark said.  

“Breast cancer hits close to home for a lot of people,” he said. 

“The overview of the company is that we pay a fair wage to everyone, in the back of the house and in the front of the house, and we contribute to the community. That is our business model,” he said. “This is one of the ways we can give back.”

The owners of the eating establishment are Christian and Nicole Cuff, who also own a restaurant north of the Lake Region. 

For those folks who prefer not to dine-in, but would really like to rally behind breast cancer research, there are take out options at Ancora. 

“If people wanted to support, we could do the chocolate bread pudding to go,” Hathaway-Clark said. 

In a press release, the Bakes for Breast Cancer Maine Founder Carol Sneider commented on the bakeries and restaurants that are involved in this fundraiser.

“The times of COVID have definitely been challenging for all of us, but we are still here because of those who support us, and look forward to doing this event in good times and bad,” Sneider said. “I am truly grateful for everyone who makes our events a reality and I look forward to having more join us in 2023.” 

“This event truly makes a difference in the fight against breast cancer,” Sneider said. 

The money donated during this fundraiser is specifically earmarked. It will support the research of Dr. Rachel Freedman, who is in the process of clinical trials focusing on treatment for older breast cancer patients.

IN THE PINK — This dessert, pink prickly pear panna cotta, is being offered as part of the weeklong fundraiser, Bakes for Breast Cancer Maine. Chocolate bread pudding is the other option. (Photo courtesy of Ancora Italian Restaurant)

“When I first started Bakes for Breast Cancer, I never knew how it would grow. I didn’t know the amazing journey it would take us on or the incredible people I would get to meet and work with,” Sneider said. “It is with the help of so many that makes this event a reality. I look forward to growing and raising more money for breast cancer research.” 

“Now, I hope that everyone who can will go out and get a dessert at a participating location. It’s for a charity after all which is always a good reason to indulge,” she said.   

Executive Chef Eric Metcalf came up with the pink prickly pear dessert. The color is representative of breast cancer awareness. 

Breast cancer has touched the lives of many people, he said.

According to Metcalf, the staff at Ancora is as close as family.    

“We are more than a family. We are a family through and through. When something happens to one of us, we get together and help pick up the pieces,” he said. 

“Some people are fine, in remission and then the cancer comes back,” he said.  

Metcalf said that the businesses that provide the products to the restaurant will be equally involved in this fundraiser.  

“A lot of our purveyors, I can say to them that we have this breast cancer awareness fundraiser, and they will send me whatever I want because it is going toward a good cause. They enjoy having their part in it,” Metcalf said. 

He hopes the people in the community will come by the restaurant and support this weeklong fundraiser.   

“I think any restaurant that is still open wouldn’t be where they are right now without the community,” Metcalf said.

For a list of participating establishments or to shop online, please visit the website,

There are a couple of ways to contact Ancora Italian Restaurant: the phone number is (207) 803-8331 or post questions on its Facebook page. The physical location is 18A Depot Street, Bridgton. Ancora's dine-in hours are 3 to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, pick-up hours are 4 to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The restaurant is closed Sunday and Monday.