Help shape Bridgton’s future by taking Comp Plan survey
By Wayne E. Rivet
Staff Writer
Comments planning board members across the Lake Region regularly hear when a project is proposed is, “It is the wrong fit” and “It will ruin the neighborhood” or “It threatens the quality of small-town life.”
Those remarks were made as town officials weighed the merits of solar farms, storage units, gravel pits, as well as commercial building projects.
Planners will listen to public concerns, however, their hands are often tied by standards and regulations currently in place which to judge whether a proposal can be approved or rejected.
How should a town be regulated and developed? It is all about planning — in advance — as well as developing standards — passed by voters and used as review tools by planning boards.
Step One in the planning process is the Comprehensive Plan.
Bridgton is currently working on creating a new Comp Plan, and is seeking public involvement.
What is a Comprehensive Plan? “A Comprehensive Plan is a document designed to guide the future actions of a community and provides a legal basis for certain land use ordinances. It presents a vision for the future, long-range goals and objectives, and an implementation strategy for how to achieve the community’s vision over time. Planning helps to ensure that future growth and policy decisions are consistent with the town’s vision and that the community is prepared to respond to potential changes, including economic shifts, environmental impacts, and technology innovations.” These words come from the town’s Comp Plan website.
By adopting a Comprehensive Plan that complies with Maine’s Growth Management Act, the Plan will also make Bridgton eligible for certain state funding.
The site adds, “The comprehensive planning process provides a community with the opportunity to reflect on its past strengths and areas for improvement while also creating actionable steps to address current priorities. The new plan will be a guide for future growth and development, covering subjects such as, but not limited to, land use, zoning, capacity and expansion of utilities, economic development, transportation, housing, recreation, capital budgeting, municipal services and facilities, and regional coordination. The plan will also formulate a direction for effective public policy, master planning, and land use decisions for the future.”
Bridgton’s Comp Plan is in Phase 2 — community engagement — of a five-phase process. This phase includes a community survey (it takes about 15 minutes to complete), which can be taken online or a paper copy can be picked up at the town office.
The online link:
Survey questions asked:
What are your top priorities as Bridgton continues to grow and change (Select up to 4):
Creating more housing options
Developing a vibrant downtown
Growing the workforce
Limiting new development
Limiting sprawl along corridors
Maintaining and improving level of public and community services
Maintaining and increasing recreation opportunities
Maintaining public infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, wastewater, etc.)
Preserving natural areas (lakes, rivers, conservation lands, etc.)
Preserving historic and cultural resources
Public safety
Other (describe)
What changes would have the greatest positive impact on your quality of life (Select up to 4):
Better access to healthcare and community services
Better access to open spaces
Improved walkability and pedestrian connectivity in the downtown
Lower cost of living
More and improved recreation facilities and programs
More job opportunities
More housing options
More opportunities for community and social interaction (gathering spaces, events, programs, etc.)
More or expanded educational opportunities
More restaurants, shops and entertainment amenities in downtown
More transportation options (bus, ride share, etc.)
Better infrastructure for walking and biking (bike lanes, sidewalks, etc.)
Other (describe)
What positive changes have you noticed in Bridgton in the past 10 years?
This question contains a block to write in your response
If you have not lived in Bridgton for 10 years, share any positive changes you have noticed since moving to Bridgton
What negative changes have you noticed in Bridgton in the past 10 years?
Instructions — same as previous question
What type of development, land uses and amenities do you think Bridgton should focus on creating, attracting and retaining? (Select all that apply)
Arts/culture (galleries, museums, performance venues, etc.)
Entertainment (movie theater, bowling alley, etc.)
Small retail stores
Large retail stores
Parks/community spaces
Personal services (hair/nail salon, dry cleaner, etc.)
Professional offices
Recreation center/facilities
Other (describe)
How do you typically get around your community (Select 1):
I exclusively drive
I mostly drive, but also walk, bike or take public transit
I mostly walk, bike or take public transit
I most use ride share, carpool or taxi
Other (describe)
How do you see your (and your family’s) transportation needs changing in the next 10 years (Select all that apply):
I will likely need to walk, take public transportation or use a ride share service to access parts of town
I will likely need to drive more/further to access employment or services
I would like the ability to walk or bike to services and amenities in Bridgton
I would like the ability to walk or bike to school/work or for my child to walk or bike to school
I would like increased public transportation options to access parts of town and the region
I would like increased ride share or other shared mobility options to access parts of town and the region
None of the above
Other (describe)
How do you see your housing needs changing in the next 10 years (Select all that apply):
Larger home to accommodate a growing family
Larger home or additional dwelling for multi-generational living (to care for aging relatives or to support adult children, etc.)
Smaller home/downsizing
ADA accessible housing
Transition to seasonal residence (part-time in Bridgton and part-time elsewhere)
Transition to full-time residence in Bridgton (currently part-time)
Home that is closer to services and amenities
Home in a walkable neighborhood
Transition from homeowner to renter
Transition from renter to homeowner
Transition to assisted living option
More affordable home than current residence
None of the above
Other (describe)
What types of housing do you think are needed in Bridgton (Select all that apply):
Note: An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a secondary home or apartment that shares the building lot with a larger, primary home. The unit cannot be bought or sold separately, but may be used to provide additional income through rent or to house a family member
Accessory dwelling units
Attached single-family dwellings/townhomes
Cluster or cottage court developments (smaller homes on smaller lots in more densely populated developments)
Detached single-family dwellings
Energy efficient housing options
Income-restricted affordable housing
Low-rise apartment buildings (2-3 stories)
Mid-rise apartment buildings (4-5 stories)
Mid-rise to high-rise apartment buildings (more than 5 stories)
Mobile homes
Senior housing/age restricted housing (multi-family structures)
Two family homes/duplexes
None of the above
Other (describe)
How do you think the community should address the needs of the vulnerable populations, such as low-income households, older adults and people with disabilities (Select all that apply):
Expand community outreach and education initiatives to keep residents informed of Town services and programs.
Expand programming and services for young people.
Expand programming for older adults.
Expand ride share and transportation options.
Increase ADA accessibility of public facilities, parks, and trails.
Increase opportunities for community gathering (e.g., public spaces, events, activities).
Support nonprofit initiatives and programs.
Support the development of more affordable housing.
Work with community and regional partners to develop a strategy to support the unhoused population.
None of the above
Other (describe)
How would you rate the availability and quality of the following community facilities and services in Bridgton?
(Ratings: Excellent, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement, Don’t Know)
Community center and community programs
Healthcare facilities
Maintenance of roads, sidewalks, and other public infrastructure
Public safety (police and fire)
Parks and recreation facilities and programs
Transfer station/sanitation services
Arts and cultural institutions
Public schools
What other community facilities or services are needed in Bridgton (or should be improved/expanded)?
A box is provided to enter your response
What public or community facilities or services do you think the town should eliminate or reduce funding for?
A box is provided to enter your response
If you had to live in a nearby Maine community other than Bridgton, where would you live and why?
How will public input be reflected in the Plan? According to the Comp Plan website, feedback collected during community engagement activities will focus on broad community priorities and values. This information will be compiled and summarized. The community will have an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft vision statement which will then serve as the foundation for the Plan’s policies and strategies. The community will also have an opportunity to provide suggestions and feedback on policy and strategy recommendations.
So, here is your chance to help shape Bridgton’s future — and it takes just a few minutes to do so!