Harrison to use ‘hybrid’ approach with this budget; Curran to fill vacant SAD 17 school board seat

By Wayne E. Rivet

Staff Writer

HARRISON — The budget process will gain a few more eyes this year.

Local citizens group recently called for greater transparency following a contentious 2024 Harrison town meeting that saw several warrant articles slashed. They called for the return of a budget committee.

They got their way Thursday night, sort of.

Harrison Select Board members agreed greater public participation is “needed” and “wanted,” but they were unwilling to create a separate budget committee consisting solely of citizens. Without a town manager on board — Cass Newell resigned last week — the Select Board feared an already tedious process could bog down due to redundancy.

So, they created one Budget Committee comprised of five Select Board members and four members from the public.

Initially, a 10-member group was proposed, but Select Board Chairman Matthew Frank reminded officials it is better to use an “odd” number to avoid ties.

Prior to the Select Board’s discussion, Harrison Citizens Committee member Scott Ramsdell read a prepared statement, “It was reassuring to see our leadership engaged in this fashion. This year, the Select Board has more competing priorities than previous years. They’re daunting in their scope…With a draft budget barely begun, we have fire study considerations and a beleaguered staff requiring support and development. Strategic long-range planning like Capital Improvement and Comprehensive Plan will barely see consideration in the current circumstances.

“What the Citizens Committee suggested, as mirrored in most if not all of the surrounding communities, is only an advantage to the Select Board. No authority or involvement is lost, only additional resources…

“By now, you have received some finance committee applications, and several of those bring experience and skill that would be of tremendous value to the Select Board in planning, research and community outreach,” said Ramsdell, who provided the Select Board with an organizational flow chart on how the two budget boards (one, the Citizens Group, the other the Select Board). He finished his comments just under the two-minute comment window.

Prior to the meeting, Frank informed the audience that the Select Board had a workshop meeting with a Greater Portland Council of Government member regarding how town leaders could better run meetings and improve communication. One suggestion was to limit speakers to two-minutes during Select Board meetings.

One question raised was whether Budget Committee members need to be elected or appointed? In speaking with other towns, some elect while others appoint.

Select Board Vice Chairman Phil Devlin suggested that if a 10-member Budget Committee is formed, a moderator should be selected to lead the process.

“I think it would be a tremendous burden to have you (Frank) try to moderate that and participate in the budget process,” he said.

Referring to discussions had at the GPCOG workshop, Select Board member Nate Sessions said officials were asked about values they wanted to commit to.

“We listed five values — transparency and collaboration are two that I think apply to this Budget Committee. This board is absolutely committed to making a change to full transparency and to involving the public in decisions,” Sessions said. “I believe as Phil said, that if we had the five board members and potentially five members from the public, we will receive all the same information. We would all discuss and compromise throughout the entire process, hear each other’s input, work together toward recommendations.”

If a difference of opinion occurs regarding a certain warrant article between Select Board and citizens, Sessions said it could be worked out during the budget process.

“If we weren’t able to come to an agreement, instead of the (citizen) group having their own recommendation on the warrant, we would commit to allowing that group to make a statement at town meeting related directly to the article that they had a difference of opinion on, and provide the information to the citizens that you had a different recommendation than the Select Board. The townspeople can vote based on the information that’s provided to them.”

Sessions added that he sees value that the citizens group will bring to the process, and looks forward to working with them.

Select Board member Colleen Densmore supported the one committee option, noting some folks, who do not belong to the Citizens Committee, may want to serve, but are unaware of the opportunity. Densmore suggested to wait a year to launch a two-committee budget review process.

“We can do it all together all at once. With this process, we barely get it done in time,” Densmore said. “I think it’s going to be an enormous opportunity going forward to manage this (budget process) in a better way that people get to see what they’d like to see.”

The budget process is set to start Feb. 3.

Select Board member Deb Kane chimed in, “I certainly welcome participation.”

Frank felt that a formal Budget Committee should be elected, just as Select Board members are elected.

“We don’t know that we got this word out far enough to everybody. We don’t want anybody to be left out,” he said. Regarding a 10-member board, Frank said, “I’m not thrilled with this. I’ve been on enough committees in my lifetime. That’s part of getting old. A 10-person committee doesn’t work…I think five selectmen and four from the public makes more sense.”

He also felt the committee could select a chair rather than a moderator.

“The objective is to be inclusive and to get as much input as we can from everybody,” said Frank, again noting that budget workshops are open to the public. “It is not intended to be divisive. We can all work together. I see the nine of us coming to a conclusion and then the Select Board effectively rubber stamping it (the budget sent to voters).”

In nearby Casco, a seven-member Finance Committee (increased from five due to interest) reviews information from the town manager and department heads and asks questions. The group then presents a draft to the Select Board, who ultimately makes the decision.

“What we’re all trying to do is come up with the best possible budget for the town,” Frank said. “If we all have that objective, votes could come out 9 to 1. I would be surprised if they came out even. If they did, we should continue to discuss the issue until we come to a consensus.”

Devlin countered, “I’m fearful that an odd number would wind up where we are — 5 to 4 (vote).”

“I’m envisioning it won’t be five Select Board members and four public, it’ll be nine citizens doing what they think is right for the town,” Frank said. “That’s a big difference in what you are saying.”

The Select Board voted 3-2 (Devlin, Sessions opposed) to create of nine-member Budget Committee, and 4-1 (Frank opposed) to include a third-party moderator.

So, who from the public will serve on the Budget Committee? The pool of applicants quickly dipped when several possible candidates pulled their names for consideration, disliking the committee set-up the Select Board chose to follow.

“We’re trying to do the best we can,” Kane said. I just want to ask that you please have some patience with us as we go through all this craziness.”

The pool fell to three applicants — James Dayton, Kristin Humphrey and Del Runnals — who were all approved. Dayton pointed out he has been through two budget reviews and can bring “practical” experience to the group. Humphrey has over 15 years of experience in budgeting. She has learned “creative ways not to lose any resources but try to get done more with less resources.”

Michael Garvey added his name for consideration.

“I didn’t apply before because we had a lot more qualified people that applied before me,” he said. “I applaud you for what you’re trying to do.”

Garvey has finance experience, having owned a successful construction company for over 35 years, as well as serving on several non-profit boards.

“I think I could bring something to this board,” he said.

Garvey’s nomination was approved, pending submission of a written application.

SAD 17 seat filled

Last October, Mark Curran heard Harrison was short one director to serve on the SAD 17 School Board. He inquired, but failed to receive a reply from then town manager Cass Newell, Curran told the Select Board at the Jan. 9 meeting.

Curran was back before the Select Board last Thursday to answer any questions they had.

“I’ve hired a lot of people in my life. I believe in the interview process,” he said. “I would expect that you folks would ask questions of me before I go into some questions of my own.”

The obvious question, why is he interested in the job?

“I think the potential decisions that are going to be made in the budget and the increases in the impact on us as taxpayers this summer, it obviously became a buzz in town. My wife worked in the school system for 27 years recently retired. My background is non-education, but business. I just thought it was the wrong time to be underrepresented at the school board,” he said. “I know it’s an elected position. I didn’t throw my hat in the ring at the time. I’ve never run for office. If the town feels that we should be fully represented based on the upcoming decisions that we’re going to have to make as voters and decisions that the school board will have to make, I would ask to be considered. I’m willing to go through any process you deem necessary. I would appreciate it if we get to it because I’d like to know if I’m going from the frying pan to the fire sooner than later.”

Chair Matt Frank responded, “I think it’s very healthy to have somebody on the board representing Harrison who cares about the kids and quality education. It sounds to me like you are that person.”

“I can assure you that I do care about the kids and the quality education,” Curran said. “My approach to the seat would be to listen, learn and decide. So, I just want to be clear, depending on what side people are on this issue (exploring educational options), I’m not an advocate for either side. I don’t know enough yet. I don’t think any of us have enough information yet to know. It’s important to go to the board meetings and I’ll articulate your arguments for what you think is right. I more than capable of doing that.”

While Curran understands when he is sworn in “the oath is to the (school) district,” but “we go there representing the town of Harrison.”

Curran added, “I would approach it the way I would if I was involved on a committee and in a business. You figure out the landscape, figure out where we can stand, figure out where you can and potentially can’t be effective. And then go from there.”

The appointment was unanimously approved.