Full day of music Saturday at RB Hall Day

By proclamation of the governor of Maine, the last Saturday in June is declared R.B. Hall Day! Who is R.B. Hall and why do Mainers celebrate his legacy? It’s a real Maine thing, but you can learn all about Maine’s own John Philip Sousa at the 44th annual celebration of R.B. Hall Day, on Saturday, June 29 in Bridgton when community bands from across the state come together for a full day of music, fun, and history!
This state-wide festival includes many special traditions. All 11 of the participating community bands will perform free, outdoor concerts continuously throughout the day, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Stevens Brook Elementary School grounds. The festival will be held, rain or shine.
The festival is sponsored by the Bridgton Community Band and Bridgton Recreation Department.
Community bands participating in the event include Fanfare Band, Westbrook City Band, Sacopee Valley Community Band, Maine Pops Concert Band, Bangor Band, Casco Bay Wind Symphony, Bath Municipal Band, Sebasticook Valley Community Band, Hallowell Community Band, Harold Crosby Community Band of Dexter, and the Bridgton Community Band.
At the strike of noon, there will be a Massed Band performance which is open to any and all musicians who would like to join together to participate in a special performance of the marches of R.B. Hall. Anyone — student, community musician, or professional musician — who plays a band instrument is welcome to join in the fun! The Massed Band will be led by Dennis Harrington, who will wear the traditional band masters costume and play the historical cornet which once belonged to R. B. Hall.
This year’s event will include some new traditions too, such as the world premiere of “A Hall Day Fanfare,” which is a medley of Hall’s marches and was composed by Stephen Troy to commemorate this year’s festival. The day will also include children’s musical activities to help engage the next generation of Maine musicians! Kids will make their own musical instruments at a booth sponsored by the Bridgton Library, see and hear musical instrument demonstrations by Camp Encore/Coda teachers and students, and participate in special bucket drumming workshops.
There will be great food available from some of Maine’s awesome food trucks, as well as the opportunity to shop for handcrafted items from some of Maine’s amazing craft vendors.