Flowers to aid Seton House moms

MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS — From left are Joan Newton, Mother Seton House Director Cyndi Broyer, Irina Norkin and Denise Kwasnick with their dazzling display of carnations sold to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church parishioners on Mother’s Day to support the Mother Seton House mothers and babies.
FRYEBURG — After Sunday Mass on Mother’s Day, parishioners and visitors flocked to purchase red, white and several shades of pink carnations for all of the mothers in their lives.
By doing so, they were contributing to Mother Seton House. For the second year, the flowers were generously donated by Cathy Berg, owner of Cathy’s Florist on Main Street in Fryeburg.
On Saturday, May 14, look for Mother Seton House volunteers at the Black Fly Festival in the Fryeburg Academy Gym from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will be selling Italian ice to support their work.
Then on Saturday, June 4, they are hosting a hole in the Wacky Mini Golf Tournament, sponsored by the North Conway Kiwanis Club. Be sure to attend these events and have fun while contributing to a very worthy cause.
Mother Seton House is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization giving support to pregnant women, new mothers and infants in need. Fryeburg and surrounding communities in both Maine and New Hampshire are served. Donations in any amount are gratefully accepted by mail to Mother Seton House, Inc., P.O. Box 673, Fryeburg, ME 04037, by direct deposit to any Norway Saving Bank, or via Paypal at Please e-mail Director Cyndi Broyer at info@mothersetonhouse. com for further information.