Final 3 ‘Cinderella’ shows Friday through Sunday
The curtain goes up three more times as the Lake Region Drama Club’s presents “Cinderella.”
Shows are:
Friday at 7 p.m.
Saturday at 1 p.m.
Sunday at 2 p.m.
Tickets are sold at the door, $12 for adults and $8 for students/seniors.
Let’s meet the cast:

Cinderellas and The Princes
Eva Fickett of Naples, Sophomore, Cinderella
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? Shannon-Marie Goguen inspired me to join the play in 2021, The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens. I ended up sharing the same part with her as Edith the maid. I’m forever glad I joined.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear when it comes to being in a production is when it gets closer and closer to the real performance. It’s so kind and mellow in the beginning, then it’s kind of chaotic near the end and very stressful for all, but I love it. I overcome my nerves and doubts by surrounding myself with the people around me. I love everyone in theater and we are all a little family, so we all care for each other and help one another. I also enjoy taking 10 or 15 minutes to get into a healthy mindset, and be more positive before the shows.
Q. What do you like about your role? I couldn’t believe I got Cinderella! and I’m very honored that I was even considered to be the lead. I’ve put a lot of thought into Cinderella so I can be the best I can be.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The most challenging thing about Cinderella is making sure I portray the role similar to Julie Andrews. It’s also difficult learning a lot of lines and cues.
Payton Vogen of Naples, Senior, The Prince
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? Tyler Lafontaine dragged me into this.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? Never reaching the level I know I’m capable of doing.
Q. What do you like about your role? He has a lot of screen time and gets to do a lot of different things in the production.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Fun: the songs I get to sing. Challenging: the dances. I don’t have great rhythm.
Leah Edwards of Bridgton, Junior, The Prince
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? A lot of my friends were in the theater program and I really admired the program’s work.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear was actually performing. When I was in the last play, I just said to myself, “You’re already acting, so just act like you’re not scared.” And it worked.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like that the prince is a morally straight person. He seems like the type to try to always do the right thing.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? I find being intimate with close friends’ kind of challenging. You have to separate that part from reality a little more than the rest.
Jenna “JenJor”Jordan of Sebago/Lower Bartlett, N.H.,Junior, Cinderella
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? In middle school, all my friends told me to do the show so I did. Basically, peer pressure.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear in theater is falling off the stage. I overcome that fear by not doing anything sketchy on the edge of the stage.
Q. What do you like about your role? My favorite part about my role is the music! It’s all so catchy!
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The most challenging part of my role is probably walking and dancing in the high heels. I haven’t had much practice!

The Fairy Godmothers, The Herald, The Chef, The Steward
Reiyn Hart of Bridgton, Junior, Fairy Godmother
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? My love for singing and performing.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is being made fun of for doing something I love. I go out on stage and focus on what I’m doing not what people might think.
Q. What do you like about your role? I love being the reason Cinderella goes to the ball looking fresh!!
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Best thing is having to transform Cinderella. Worst is playing a mature character.
Sydney Mushrow of Bridgton, Senior, Fairy Godmother
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I genuinely don’t remember. I’ve been involved with shows since I was 8, but my earliest memory has to be practicing for my first-ever audition with my mom. It’s one of my happiest memories.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is not catching the glass slipper in the end and the only way to avoid it is to DIVE.
Q. What do you like about your role? I was lucky enough to make my own cape for the Fairly Godmother and expand on my sewing abilities. Our costumer, Emily, is the best.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The song “Impossible” harmonies are hard. Eva is like a little sister to me and I love being able to share that special moment with her. What could be more iconic than Cinderella’s transformation?
Carly Dyer of Naples, Senior, The Chef
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I really like the inclusive atmosphere. I also get to work with a lot of fun people.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is “breaking a leg.”
Q. What do you like about your role? As the Chef, I get to work with my good friend Olivia who is the Steward.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? It is a lot of fun being a member of the ensemble and playing many different roles.
Olivia England of Sebago, Senior, The Steward
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I have always liked watching the shows and after some people told me I should audition, I decided to try it.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My fear is performing on stage in general because this is my first show. Rehearsing in front of the rest of the cast has helped me overcome it.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like that I sing a song with the chef, king and queen.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? It is fun and challenging because it is my first experience and everything is new to me.
Jac Ordway of Bridgton, Junior, The Herald
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I always enjoyed singing so I tried it out and ended up enjoying acting as well.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear onstage is messing up on the dances. I practice as much as I can and try to have a dance partner I trust.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like how I get to interact with practically every character.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Memorizing all the names. Why do they have such long names!

The Queen and The Kings
Owen Young of Casco, Junior, The King
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I wanted to be with friends while putting together a great show.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My biggest fear was acting in front of my friends. They made me very comfortable.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like the songs.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? We have a long scene that will be hard to get through, but it will be so good!
Alice O’Connor of Bridgton, Junior, The Queen
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? My sister did it in elementary school and I thought it looked really fun! So, I joined the school club and have been doing it ever since.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? I do not have a fear about being in a production.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like how much dancing my character does!
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The most fun thing about my role is singing the song with my chef and steward! It is so fun to work with the people in this production.
Tyler Lafontaine of Bridgton, Senior, The King
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I enjoy developing a character: how they walk, how they talk, and all their mannerisms.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? I’m afraid of failure. I guess the only way to move past it is to work and believe in yourself.
Q. What do you like about your role? My role is quite comedic which is always fun for me.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The king seems very immature yet mature at the same time. I am working to find a balance.

The Stepmothers and The Stepsisters
Emma McKenney of Baldwin, Sophomore, Stepmother
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? What lured me to take part in drama production is I’ve always liked movies, dramas, and music from shows. What I believe hooked me on this is the different emotions from every character and even the ensemble.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is wanting people to like me. I overcome this as soon as I step foot on the stage and you see all of the people in the audience. That’s when you know they came here for everyone in the cast.
Q. What do you like about your role? What I like about my role is that the Stepmother has her own personality. She portrays herself as if she were the main part of the show. I enjoy every minute of it.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? What I find most challenging about my role is the characteristics I’m not used to portraying. I’m not used to wearing dresses but it’s fun to explore more opportunities.
Finley Parritt of Naples, Sophomore, Stepmother
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I’m actually unsure. It’s been so long; I don’t quite remember. But I suppose I would say the community. Everyone is so nice and a lot of my friends are involved.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? I think my greatest fear would be being a disappointment to my fellow cast mates and to the audience. I overcome this by just trying to let go and have fun.
Q. What do you like about your role? I honestly just like the attitude of the stepmother. The way she carries herself is just so fun.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Honestly, just playing a villain is out of my comfort zone. But I am trying my best to embrace it.
Zach Cross of Sebago, Freshman, Stepsister
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I’ve always loved acting and dressing up in fancy clothes.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is forgetting lines. When I’m not on stage, I’m practicing lines.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like her ironic naming as she’s a dull character.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Acting really bland and bored.
Shannon-Marie Goguen of Naples, Sophomore, Stepsister
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I love drama because it’s fun and it gives me a sense of freedom. It also gives me a chance to have more friends.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? Losing friends but I also have the opportunity to make more friends.
Q. What do you like about your role? As one of the stepsisters, my role is very funny.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Again, as a stepsister, I have to act ugly.
Sierra Allen of Naples, Sophomore, Stepsister
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? My friends wanted me to join. I don’t regret it. I also liked the idea of being able to portray many different kinds of characters.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? Stage fright. I overcome it by looking to the back of the auditorium. Usually during live shows, all the actors see is pitch black not so much the actual audience.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like that it’s different from the roles I’ve played previously.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The most challenging thing is getting a goofy laugh down to perfection.
Ayana Coffin of Naples, Freshman, Stepsister
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? Fear of missing out.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear when it comes to the musical is forgetting my lines or songs, and I overcome it by being more confident in myself and practicing.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like the songs I get to sing.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? As a stepsister, I get to be mean to Cinderella.

The Ensemble
Riley Young of Naples, Freshman
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I love acting and want to be an actress for a future job.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? Not being able to be strong. Knowing that I can do whatever I see for myself.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like that I get to play multiple roles that are small but really affect the performance.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The different character changes.
Willow Butters of Naples, Freshman
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I’ve always like theater but just gained the confidence
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear is falling off the stage so I make sure I always know where the edge is.
Q. What do you like about your role? I love the dancing.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? The most fun part is hanging out with the other members.
Gregory Blackwell of Naples, Sophomore
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? One thing that drew me to drama is the sense of community it offers.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My greatest fear, when it comes to a production, is forgetting my lines. I overcome this by double and triple checking each of my lines.
Q. What do you like about your role? I like the ways this role differs from my last one.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? One thing that was challenging at first was learning the dance moves. Once I figured them out, they became fun.
Ash Armstrong of Naples, Sophomore
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? It was both creative and physical work. With my cerebral palsy, I’m limited in what activities I can do and theater isn’t competitive. Plus being on stage looked so fun!
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My biggest fear from being in the production is the solo parts, as much as I love being the main focus for a second it does kind of freak me out singing alone. So instead, I speak my lines in tune, and make it sound in character as well so it works!
Q. What do you like about your role? A lot of improvising and gags! Background characters often have the funniest scenes if you look closely.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Trying to figure out how to stick out without overshadowing the star of the scene.
Madison Paradis of Sebago, Freshman
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? My former best friend.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? I have a fear of singing in front of people.
Q. What do you like about your role? Not much.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? That I don’t have any lines but I get to dance a lot.
Jae/Len Plympton of Naples, Junior, The Footman
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I’ve always been interested in drama, but never had the chance to perform.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? My fear is messing up my lines and of losing my balance.
Q. What do you like about your role? It is a small role.
Kasey Johnson of Naples, Junior
Q. What lured you to take part in drama productions? I would have to say that the group of people currently in the Drama Club lured me in, as well as spending summers at theater camp with Mrs. Allison Sands.
Q. What is your greatest fear when it comes to being in a production and how do you overcome it? I would say my biggest hear is sounding bad while singing, but the other members of the cast always encourage me to just have fun and not to worry about it!
Q. What do you like about your role? I like being able to pay multiple roles throughout the show, as well as be in all of the shows in multiple scenes.
Q. What do you find most fun/challenging about the role? Learning the dances is probably the hardest part of my role.
Mackenzie Putnam of Naples, Junior, The Coachman. No Q/A information provided.