Earth Notes: Gratitude for all that is around us

By Megan-Mack Nicholson
Guest Columnist
Sitting at my computer, waiting for the inspiration of what I’m going to write about, I realize I keep going back to the knee-jerk reaction to write about “gratitude” and all the things we have in nature to be grateful for. I mean, let’s be honest, I would say (as a valid guesstimate) 8 out of 10 people claim this time of year to be their “favorite.” The problem with writing about gratitude is that I remember it was exactly this time last year when my column was due and I wrote about it, because, DUH, it’s easy to come up with a bazillion reasons!
Pacing now, it hits me, I have fallen into the cycle of comfortable repetition. The cycle of comfortable repetition, (CCR) which by no means is an actual scientific thing, was invented by a friend and I while watching a high school soccer game. Somehow, we got into a banter about getting older and challenging ourselves to keep things fresh. We vowed to help one another watch for tendencies to have to have things a certain way or to fall into patterns of comfort that boxed us in from continuing to explore this beautiful gift called life.
For me, that conversation was a reminder of my own patterns and my commitment to challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone. I want to keep things fresh and even a little intimidating. Being a teacher, I don’t want to teach the same things over and over so I find ways to explore together with my students, learn together, and hopefully grow together. Those who know me well, know I often like to have themed months. This could mean a month dedicated to reading, creative work, sobriety, travel, work, or exercise. This November, I decided on “New Love November,” so when this conversation came up I was quick to tell my friend about my pledge for New Love November.
Where did this month’s dedication come from? Well, I recently bought a motorcycle and I must have forgotten what it was like to fall in love for the first time again. I mean, how many people even feel they fall in love for the first time, again? Anyway, this newness in my life has helped me tap into something primal in me. Maybe exploring the world from horseback? Who knows, but it certainly made me very aware that a whole new way of moving and viewing the world was possible and oh my goodness did it feel good. New Love November has been dedicated to opening myself up to exactly this. How can I view, move, and thus, appreciate this life in ways that I just haven’t allowed myself to see yet?
So here I am, trying to figure out a topic for November that isn’t my normal, “gratitude.” Instead, I want to ask you, when was the last time you walked in nature and actively searched for something new to appreciate? When was the last time you approached a friend or family member with the intent of finding out something new to love about them? This month, I want to step into all things I’m involved with, with new eyes and a new heart. Walking the woods every day, can I find a path of appreciation that I haven’t walked before? Can I ask my heart for guidance to love not only that which feels safe and familiar, but that which asks for more compassion and curiosity?
I’m pretty sure New Love November is here to stay in my world. Anybody want to join?
Megan-Mack Nicholson is the director of Education for the Hyde School, founder of Holon Healing, a certified Nature and Forest Therapy guide with the ANFT, YTT yoga instructor, registered Maine Guide and Master Reiki-Shaman Practitioner. You can reach her at or