David Hastings named Fryeburg Fair president

FRYEBURG — David Hastings III of Fryeburg has been elected president of Fryeburg Fair at the nonprofit’s annual meeting held on Dec. 4, 2021.
He replaces Roy Andrews, who has retired after 63 years with the Fair, the last 15 as president.
Hastings’ involvement with the Fair spans over 40 years starting in 1976. He spent two decades in the Entertainment department helping hire and book shows. He also worked in the Midway department overseeing the relationship with Smokey’s Greatest Shows, the Fair’s carnival vendor. In 1998, he moved to the Finance Committee.
As is often the custom at Fryeburg Fair, Hastings III replaced his father, David Hastings II, as emcee of the Fair’s annual grand parade and the pig and calf scrambles. His father worked with the Fair for over 50 years and was involved until the time of his passing in 2010. He was the president of the Fair from 2002 to 2006 and was instrumental in building a foundation of strong leadership, prudent financial management and a clear focus on showcasing agriculture and farming history.
“I learned all my pig scramble lines from my father! Those events are a load of fun,” he said.
Hastings is well known for conducting the “pig scramble shuffle” asking spectators to stand and move to the middle of the arena in order to allow more people to sit down. The scrambles are often standing room only. He also invites past pig scramble participants, all former third graders now up to 70 years old to stand and be recognized.
Hastings has lived in Fryeburg all his life. He graduated from Fryeburg Academy in 1968 and Bowdoin College in 1972 as a fifth-generation member of the Hastings family to do so. He graduated from Temple Law School in Philadelphia in 1975 and returned to Fryeburg to work for his father and uncle at Hastings Law Office, now Hastings Malia P.A.
Hastings and his wife, Carol, a retired teacher, have four children — Jennie, Dan, Kate and Patrick — and three grandchildren. Carol Hastings is also involved with Fryeburg Fair as an assistant in the Midway department.
Hastings says his favorite thing about the Fair is the people he works with: “One of my very favorite events is the draft horse show with the eight-horse hitches. It’s an incredibly great exhibition put on by very skilled and talented people devoted to these beautiful animals.”
“My plan going forward,” says Hastings, “is that we continue to support the agricultural departments at Fryeburg Fair in every possible way. That’s what brings people back year after year. You can go almost anywhere in the country and if you mention Fryeburg, people say, ‘don’t they have a big fair there?’ I want every department (almost 50 of them) to think they’re the most important at the Fair. And I hope each person involved feels the pride and satisfaction of running one of the greatest agricultural events in the country. Most importantly, I really want our people to have fun doing it.”
If you want to get involved with Fryeburg Fair, go to www.fryeburgfair.org, e-mail info@fryeburgfair.org or call 207-935-3268.