Archive for ‘Sports’
FA senior athlete spotlight: Will Galligan
Name: Will Galligan Residence: Fryeburg Parents: Terry and Sheryl. Brother Owen and Sister Carlin Sports you play: Soccer, Hockey and Lacrosse Q. How long have you played each? Soccer and hockey since Kindergarten; Lacrosse since third grade. Q. Why did you choose these sports? I love to compete as part of a team. Q. What do you […]
LR Senior Athlete Spotlight: Alli Vogel
Senior Athlete Profiles Name: Alli Vogel Residence: Bridgton Year in School: Senior Parents: Jen and Ryan Vogel Sports you play: Field hockey, Alpine Ski Racing, Lacrosse School groups/honors: ASTRA Club, Interact Club and National Honor Society Q1. Why did you choose these sports? My mom played field hockey so I tried it and loved it; my […]
FA Senior Athlete Spotlight: Bryce Micklon
Name: Bryce Micklon Residence: Lovell Year in School: Senior Parents: Rose and Colin Micklon Sports you play: Football, Hockey and Baseball Q1. Why did you choose these sports?Because I like the physical-ness of the sport and that it’s a team sport. Everyone on the team has an important role for the team’s success. Q2. What […]
February 11, 2021
FA Senior Athlete Spotlight: Ella Baptista
Student-Athlete: Ella Baptista Residence: Fryeburg Year in School: Senior Sports you play: Soccer, Indoor Track and Ultimate Frisbee Q1. Why did you choose these sports? I have played soccer for about 10 years. I originally started playing because it’s something my older brother played and it looked like fun. I continued to play because I have so […]
FA Senior Athlete Spotlight: Eddie Thurston
Student-Athlete: Eddie Thurston Residence: Fryeburg Year in School: Senior Parents: Sue and Fuzzy Thurston Sports you play: Football, hockey, baseball Q1. How long have you played each? As long as I can remember! I can’t remember life without sports year-round! I was on skates and skis by 2! Kindergarten was the formal start of some version of them all! […]
Upcoming area fishing derbies
DENMARK The ninth annual Denmark Rod & Gun Club Ice Fishing Derby will be held on Saturday, Feb. 6 from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Scaled down due to Covid-19, the derby still provides for great prizes and memories to be made. Ponds open to derby are: Moose Pond (entire pond), Hancock Pond (entire pond), […]
Appeals Board backs planners’ Hotel Bridgton ruling
By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Hotel Bridgton is headed back to Superior Court review, but this time, the project has two stamps of town approval. The Appeals Board voted 4-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 to uphold the Planning Board’s 3-0 decision in early November that proposed excavation work in the Stream Protection Zone does not constitute […]
Bridgton 4 on the Fourth road race registration opens Jan. 15
Race Director Bill Graham announces that registration for the 45th Annual Bridgton 4 on the Fourth Road Race and Kids’Fun Run will open at midnight on Friday, Jan. 15. Registration links can be accessed on the website at Last year’s successful virtual race took place on the original course from 1977, however, the 45th Annual Race […]
Laker soccer team had historic season despite Covid-19
By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer To keep their athletes focused on the next opponent on the schedule, coaches most always preach, “Let’s take one game at a time.” For Ryan Harlow, the message was different this fall for his varsity boys’ soccer team. It was, “Play this game like it is your last.” With […]