Archive for ‘School’

  • Rotary Good Citizen, Olivia Pearson

    Olivia Pearson of North Bridgton has been selected as the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club’s “Citizen of the Month” for April. Each month, the Rotary Club recognizes a Lake Region High School student who displays good citizenship and contributes to the school community. The recipient is honored at a Rotary breakfast meeting and is presented a […]

  • LRVC Masons’ Student of the Month

    Shawn Crouch of Casco has been selected as the Mason’s Vocational Student of the Month for March at Lake Region Vocational Center. Class of: 2023 Town: Casco Parent: Laura Berry  Sibling: Lily Hobbies: I enjoy automotive repair and robotics. Q. What program are you in at the Vocational Center? I am in the Automotives II […]

  • Lake Region High School National Honor Society inductees

    NEW HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES — Lake Region High School inducted 16 new members into the National Honor Society on Tuesday, April 11. Those inducted were: (front, left to right) Chloe Ward, Selina Hale-Pena, Eva Fickett, Sage Cormier, Olivia Roy, Laura Dutton, Averie Smith and Shougo Sturk; (back row) Joseph Deschenes, Madison Eddy, Madelyn McDougall, Bella […]

  • Final 3 ‘Cinderella’ shows Friday through Sunday

    The curtain goes up three more times as the Lake Region Drama Club’s presents “Cinderella.” Shows are: Friday at 7 p.m. Saturday at 1 p.m. Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are sold at the door, $12 for adults and $8 for students/seniors. Let’s meet the cast: Cinderellas and The Princes Eva Fickett of Naples, Sophomore, […]

  • Bridgton Academy names Diana Gleeson next Head of School

    The Bridgton Academy Board has selected Diana Gleeson to serve as the Academy’s 49th Head of School. She will begin her tenure on July 1, 2023. The selection of Ms. Gleeson, a career educator and school leader, comes at the end of a national search conducted by Carney Sandoe & Associates. The committee gathered feedback […]

  • SAD 61 School Board notes

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer While the public posed no questions or made any comments regarding the proposed SAD 61 budget during Monday’s hearing, Superintendent Al Smith experience will likely be different when he meets with local officials. Smith was scheduled to discuss the $34.849 million budget with the Casco Select Board Tuesday, and […]

  • SAD 61 budget nears $35 million

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer As Lake Region area town managers pieced together their budgets, they waited — likely holding their breaths — for one vital figure to arrive. What will be our school tax? The answer is in. SAD 61 Finance Coordinator Sherrie Proctor walked the full School Board through the proposed 2023-24 […]

  • Experience the timeless tale of Cinderella presented by the LR Drama Club

    The Lake Region Drama program is proud to present the classic fairy tale of Cinderella, opening on Friday, March 31.  This timeless story has captivated audiences for generations and is sure to be a hit with theater-goers of all ages. With a talented cast and crew, this production promises to bring the magic and wonder […]

  • Remote days count; SAD 61 avoids tacking an hour onto days for make-up, for now

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer For now, SAD 67 students and staff will not need to spend an extra hour at school to make up for lost time due to cancellations caused by bad weather. Superintendent of Schools Al Smith informed the School Board Monday night that the district will gain credit for remote […]

  • NHS donates to Tucker’s House

    NHS DONATION TO TUCKER’S HOUSE — Lake Region High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society recently held a bake sale at the Naples Public Library to raise money for Tucker’s House. The chapter raised $620 in sales and donations to benefit the newly opened women’s recovery home in North Bridgton. Pictured here are some […]