Archive for ‘School’
LRHS senior awarded first Portland Camera Club Scholarship
The Portland Camera Club has awarded their first $1,500 scholarship to Rachel Lake, a senior at Lake Region High School. Richard Sawyer, president of the Club, said “Rachel’s application provided the Committee with a true sense of her love and passion for photography, and we are pleased to help in her efforts to develop her […]
Fryeburg Academy spring semester II honor roll
Fryeburg Academy announces its spring 2022-23 Semester II Honor/High Honor Roll: Grade 9 Honors Alexander Allain, Tucker Barnaby, Camden Blake, Brady Boucher, Cody Boyd, Brooke Chadwick, Megan Clement, Myles Coleman, Rowan Davidson Pullan, Noah Day, George Drew, Dilen Drew, Jacob Eveleth, Quintan Flint, Tommy Guthro, Jared Hayes, Aspen Hazlewood, Merrik Iacozili, Rissa Kiesman, Noah Linley, […]
SAD 72’s Pat Menzel named Special Education Administrator of the Year
By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer FRYEBURG — Growing up in a large city, Pat Menzel met two individuals living on the same street that made a lasting impact on her life. One had cerebral palsy and was quite impaired. Yet, she did make progress. “Back then, schooling was very segregated so students like her […]
Best in their Class — Lake Region Class of 2023
By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer When Melissa Mayo thought about how to deliver an inspiring message to her classmates, she leaned on a sport she has dominated this spring. An ace pitcher for the playoff-bound, 11-win Lake Region softball team and Class of 2023 valedictorian, Mayo described parallels between a hitter and the real […]
To attract new bus drivers, SAD 61 to hold Open House, Career Fair this Saturday
“Come roll with us.” With bus driver shortages across Maine, SAD 61 Director of Transportation, Food Service and Maintenance Andy Madura hopes an open house and career fair might pique the interest of some who might be interested in joining the team. The event is scheduled for this Saturday, June 10 from 10 a.m. to […]
30 years later, Songo Locks School still feels fresh, alive & fun for kids
By Dawn De Busk Staff Writer NAPLES — It’s a piece of cake for two teachers to remember how old Songo Locks School is. Both women were on maternity leave when the school opened so the school is the same age as their now-grown daughters. “This opened in 1993. I remember because I was out […]
SAD 61 budget validation vote Tuesday
In 40 minutes last Tuesday, a small number of voters dispatched 24 articles and passed the $34-plus million SAD 61 budget. The next step is the validation vote, set for this coming Tuesday, May 23 with polls open in Bridgton, Casco and Naples from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Naples will hold its municipal election […]
SAD 61 spotlights long-time staff members
What does it take to operate a successful school system? Dedicated staff Commitment to excellence Continuity Strive to reach high expectations Understanding and patience Willing to put in extra time to make a difference SAD 61 has staff members that exemplify these characteristics. The Lake Region School Board would like to thank all staff members […]
Vocational students build Free Little Libraries
Charles (Chaz) Reed, a carpentry teacher at Lake Region Vocational Center, is having his classes build four Little Free Libraries for the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club. The libraries are small weather-proof bookcases that will be placed in neighborhoods to enable people to share books 24/7. Each little library will be a chartered Little Free Library […]
Lions Student of the Month, Caitlin Lees
Caitlin Lees of Naples has been selected as the Naples Lions Club’s “Student of the Month” for April. Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior based on academics and volunteerism in school and community services. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award. […]