Archive for ‘School’

  • Lions Clubs Student of the Month Olivia Mills

    Olivia Mills of Casco has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for April. Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award. Parent: Kathleen Vachon Sibling: Jack Vachon […]

  • Bad weather forces SAD 61 to juggle schedule

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Old Man Winter appears to be grumpy these days, dumping a mixed bag of weather onto the Lake Region, seemingly putting a long-awaited springtime on hold. With reports calling for rain, sleet and a snowfall that could reach five inches, SAD 61 Superintendent of Schools Al Smith laid out […]

  • 23 inducted into LRHS National Honor Society

    Lake Region High School National Honor Society inducted 23 new members at a ceremony held last Thursday night. Following a “welcome” from NHS president Douglas Mayo, the following new inductees were presented: Grade 11: Kelsey Apovian, Dessiree Berry, Melissa Bonenfant, Isabelle Davis-White, Meghan Harmon, Leia Hodgdon, Maggie Luce, Madelyn Nelson, Hailey Parsons, Lorean Reed and […]

  • SAD 61 finalizes proposed budget

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer As SAD 61 officials considered a long list of perceived needs, tough choices had to be made to keep the proposed budget to within a 3% hike. Fixed costs — led by contracted increases in salaries and benefits — pushed the budget needle to the school board mandated threshold, […]

  • Town officials updated by SAD 61 regarding Sebago withdrawal

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer The possibility of Sebago withdrawing from SAD 61 is looking more and more like a divorce. The hurt runs deep. Each side is looking for the best deal possible. There is agreement on small issues. A big gap exists on larger matters. As of right now, a clear-cut settlement […]

  • LRMS student recognized for her courage

    As part of her statewide school presentations, former Olympic luge racer Julia Clukey proudly recognizes a student who is living a life with courage. The Julia Clukey Courage Award is designed to recognize Maine students of all abilities for their courage in areas such as reaching their full potential, accomplishing personal goals, demonstrating leadership or […]

  • Lions Clubs’ Student of the Month: Hannah Ranco

    Hannah Ranco of Bridgton has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for February. Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award. Parents: Cynthia and Joe Ranco. Student […]

  • Bridgton Academy names new Head of School

    By Nick LeBel Bridgton Academy The Bridgton Academy Board of Trustees is proud to announce the appointment of Martin J. Mooney, as the 48th Head of School at Bridgton Academy. Mr. Mooney will succeed retiring Head of School Graydon E. Vigneau Jr., who has served in that role since 2008. “On behalf of the Board of […]

  • New inductees into the Lake Region Athletic Hall of Fame

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer As a champion runner and basketball player, Steve Googoo learned many life lessons while participating in high school sports. Respect. Sportsmanship. Hard work. Commitment. Fair play. “I teach and mentor radiology students at Bridgton Hospital and while doing so I strive to pass these very same values on to […]

  • SAD 61: When is a student ready to move ahead?

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Determining whether a student is “ready” to attend college or enter the workforce can be measured in a number of ways. There are the PSAT and SAT measuring sticks. Lake Region Principal Erik Good told the SAD 61 school board Monday night another way is to challenge students to […]