Archive for ‘School’

  • One on One with…New LRVC Director David Morse

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Like many students, David Morse is really looking forward to the first day of school. “I can’t wait to meet the students,” said Morse, who is Lake Region Vocational Center’s new director, succeeding Rosie Schacht. “That’s what brings the building alive. During the summer, the building feels so empty. […]

  • Withdrawal questions raised, support voiced at hearing

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer SEBAGO — James Stevens knows firsthand the importance of keeping Sebago Elementary School. His three daughters developed a strong educational foundation attending the little school building considered the “hub” of the rural community. The girls went on to be “A” students, attended college and enjoy success in their careers. […]

  • SAD 61 notes: Withdrawal public hearing to be held in Sebago this Monday

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer While the high school might be the “centrally-located” spot in SAD 61, the state’s commissioner of education has decided Sebago will host a public hearing regarding the town’s interest in withdrawing from the school district. Last week, Maine Department of Education Commissioner Robert G. Hasson Jr. notified the Sebago […]

  • SAD 61 board notes: Another leadership change as Jaronczyk named SLS assistant principal

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer The reshaping of SAD 61’s leadership team continues. Elisabeth Peavey will resign, effective June 30, as assistant principal at Songo Locks School in Naples. She will become the new assistant principal at Raymond Elementary School. “Raymond is really lucky to get her. We are sad to see her (Beth) […]

  • One on One with…Lake Region’s Class of 2017 Top 3

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer When looking for a word or words to describe the three highest scoring students in the Class of 2017 at Lake Region High School — Heidi Fox, Meghan Boos and Douglas Mayo — one could easily choose: intelligent, hard-working, determined or focused. Yet, one word seems to define each […]

  • SAD 61’s Lisa Caron named Special Ed Administrator of the Year

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Lisa Caron knew from an early age she wanted to work with children as a career. A college professor told her she was on the right path, but felt her true calling was to work with special needs children. He told Caron she was “gifted.” Thirty-three years later, Lisa […]

  • SAD 61 signs Sebago withdrawal agreement

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer By reaching an agreement on a proposed withdrawal agreement, SAD 61 and Sebago moved a step closer Monday to a divorce. The SAD 61 School Board voted unanimously for the withdrawal agreement, which will now be signed by the Sebago Withdrawal Committee (likely within the next week or so), […]

  • Morse named new LRVC director; school board notes

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer With his parents and wife residing in Gray, David Morse will be making somewhat of a “coming home” move when he becomes Lake Region Vocational Center’s director on July 1. The SAD 61 School Board unanimously approved Morse as the new director at Monday’s meeting in the Great Room […]

  • SAD 61 budget passes first test; referendum vote Tuesday

    If taxpayers thought a 2.75% hike in educational spending was acceptable, they had to like the unexpected news Superintendent of Schools Al Smith dropped on them before Tuesday’s district budget meeting. With about 100 people in attendance in the Lake Region High School gym, Smith announced that the proposed budget was reduced by $175,000 because […]

  • Lions Club Student of the Month: Douglas Mayo

    Douglas Mayo of Bridgton has been selected as the area Lions Clubs’ “Student of the Month” for May. Each month, area Lions Clubs recognize a Lake Region High School senior who has excelled academically. The recipient is honored at a Lions’ dinner meeting and is presented a monetary award. Parents: John and Amy Mayo Student […]